Marasmius siccus

in Nature Observer4 months ago

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Marasmius siccus23.10.2024 I Punteuet, District. Sawang, North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

At today's meeting, I will introduce friends to a picture of one type of beautiful mushroom, namely the Marasmius siccus mushroom. As a mushroom lover, I am happy to be able to share knowledge about the diversity of fungi that exist around us. Marasmius siccus mushroom is a type of mushroom that has an attractive and beautiful shape. This fungus usually grows in humid environments such as forests or parks. With a variety of colors, this mushroom has a special attraction for nature lovers. One of the interesting things about the Marasmius siccus mushroom is its small size but has beautiful details. Its unique shape and varied colors make this mushroom an interesting object to photograph or observe directly.

Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
LocationAceh Indonesia

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