I still see no lifestyle activity. No photos, no posts except links to Hive posts.
If the account is not verified with a well-established social media account in the next 24 hours, it will be blacklisted (possible identity deception).
Hi @prida Were you able to resolve the hiwewatchers request? It's important. When I started, I also had to verify my account. For me, it was iNaturalist to prove it was my photos.
Could you please check the settings again as we don't see the profile yet?
Bisakah Anda memeriksa pengaturan lagi karena kami belum melihat profilnya?
I have set the profile to all public and now you can check that all my pictures are visible there
I still see no lifestyle activity. No photos, no posts except links to Hive posts.
If the account is not verified with a well-established social media account in the next 24 hours, it will be blacklisted (possible identity deception).
Bisakah kamu membuat video dirimu sendiri, bukan kucing?
Hi @prida Were you able to resolve the hiwewatchers request? It's important. When I started, I also had to verify my account. For me, it was iNaturalist to prove it was my photos.