I found a type of caterpillar that was green with black circular lines on its body and had hairs similar to black horns. The head has an orange color. I found a population of these caterpillars on a leaf on a guava tree.
Location Bogor Regency, West Java Indonesia
March 5, 2025
ID 263955260
IDUU a10330f4-6799-45dd-8c22-3aa1115dd43e
Original link https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/263955260
I tried to find the name of this caterpillar through a Google search but couldn't find the name of this type of caterpillar. But I can conclude that these caterpillars are plant pests because some of the leaves have started to tear because they are used as food.
This caterpillar looks like it has just hatched because around the green caterpillar there are several very small black caterpillars.