Trametes sanguinea

in Nature Observer6 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Trametes sanguinea01 september 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hello beloved hive blog friends wherever you are on this very beautiful occasion, today I want to discuss about the mushroom that I found which is very beautiful, namely red and white, this mushroom is very interesting in my opinion I really enjoy it and of course I took some photos as examples so that you can see and enjoy the beauty of the red and white mushrooms that I found, this mushroom grows on a frozen coconut tree that fell a year ago I saw it grow very beautifully and its color shows a very amazing charm, okay friends you can see and witness the mushroom that I found, it really fascinates me.
Okay guys, that's the appearance of the mushrooms that I found which I think are very beautiful and interesting. Hopefully you enjoy and are entertained by the beauty of the mushrooms that I share here. That's all the stories from me. Hopefully you can enjoy it and don't miss my story because in the future I will share about the extraordinary beauty of nature.

Okay guys, see you in my next post💕.

Camera usedponsel redmi note 7
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyTrametes sanguinea


Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best

Please vote for Ecency proposal👇

Thank you for the award. I always try my best here to entertain friends ❤

You're welcome my brother♥️

Wa KA onn bek kaoff


beautiful mushroom photography object i really like it🍄

Thank you, I hope you are entertained. ❣️