Uraria crinita

in Nature Observer16 days ago

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Uraria crinita22 02, 2025babah Buloh, Kec. Sawang, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Aceh, Indonesia

hi, hello everyone, how are you? I hope you will be able to and I hope you are always healthy wherever you are, so on this occasion I also want to show you some photographic portraits of one of the forest flowers that I managed to capture when hunting for photos this morning at around 10.00. Yes, when I was hunting here I also happened to go to a friend's house area because my friend's house area has a lot of forests behind it so we managed to get these flowers which were really very good and interesting so I went straight home and tried out the motorbike using a smartphone camera.

This flower really caught my attention with the color, as you can see, it's pink with white spots, yes, and there is a distinctive pink pink, more detailed like in the photo, yes, I think I was really interested when I went to this city, so I immediately uploaded several photos, which means I captured them using my smartphone camera, which I captured.

This flower sometimes becomes a weed for farmers, but for us photographers it is very interesting and good when I see it, so I immediately tried the motorbike using my cellphone. And I used Google translate because my English is not good and correct, so automatically I have to have tools, OK?

And I have prepared the photos below I hope you like the photos that I managed to

Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographUraria crinita
LocationAceh Indonesia