Genus Trichaleurina

in Nature Observerlast month
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus TrichaleurinaJanuary 21 2025Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Maybe this is a common view for those who like to explore nature but for me this looks extraordinary, finding a mushroom that looks like turmeric, and my interest in this mushroom also lies in the way this mushroom grows, yes it is directly attached to a dead tree. For me who had never seen a mushroom like this before I might be a little surprised but after seeing it a few times I got used to the beauty and shape of this mushroom.

But whether this mushroom can be eaten, I myself also don't know but if I look more clearly this mushroom has a very soft texture and will not be easily destroyed even if we press it almost like rubber. And this mushroom itself has a size that is not too large but I also managed to find this mushroom which was very large and even very damaged.

And whether this mushroom is a rare mushroom or not I also don't know, because honestly I rarely enter the forest or plantation so I don't know much about it. But if you see this mushroom growing on a dead tree, it is possible that this mushroom can be found in several different places that have cold and humid temperatures.

Camera usedInfinix 10 pro
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Trichaleurina