Learning as I go

in Pixels Community10 months ago

I'm learning as I go.


Don't do 6 hour games.


Just kidding; I haven't learned anything!!!

For real though... I like developing games, and I wanted to try a solo game. Unless I wait for my latest game to pay out, 6 hours was all I had the budget for.

I do so a lot of complaining about how hard (impossible) it is to break even with common developers. To which I say... yes? It's brutal out there, but that's not the only way to play the game.

I look at the market feed and I see research projects selling at the $1 mark. At time of writing, the floor for research projects is $1.90, so the $1 projects are getting snapped up pretty quickly since they're so far below floor.

You can studio license for $8 and churn out 2 research projects per week for $104 per year with a common developer. That's obviously unsustainable and prices will come down, but... quit thinking that releasing games is the only way to play. I'm losing PXL on games because it's fun, not because I expect to profit!