A deep dive into Holozing Healers

in Holozing Community8 months ago (edited)

I'd like to get into posting a bit more about Holozing, but rather than doing so on the official @holozing account there may be things written here that may change over time or work differently, thus I prefer writing here in a more "unofficial" tone to keep the other account true to its content.

This post may partially be a reminder of some things to our followers and new readers who may be hearing about Holozing for the first time but I'd like to go over everything we have planned and are working on with the healers in the game that'll put apart our game from others. Hive is a great chain that'll make a lot of things easier for us due to no-cost transactions and soulbound nfts on hive-engine.

First of all, we have a dedicated artist for our healers, which, once finished, will all be minted with unique attributes so that no account gets the same looking healer in its 2D form. Of course, when it comes to 3D this task is going to be near to impossible to replicate but we may add some slight changes to the face which is the biggest component of change when it comes to the attributes. Aside from looking unique, you'll be able to use your owned healers as profile pics on Hive and its front-ends, some like @peakd even add a "NFT" tag on the profile pic if they can verify this nft really exists on your account. Other than that this healer NFT will be visible when playing against others in battles in Holozing where at the beginning of the match you'll get the well-known in other games; player vs player introduction with profile pic, account name, level, etc.

For those new to the project, we introduced healers in a post here but to give you a short idea about it; there's currently 3 different classes for healers with 2 genders. There's a Nature class, Ocean and Light class which will have synergies with certain creature types. The "base" form of the female nature healer for instance looks like this:

but when you are minting a healer there will be a bot that will randomly generate and pick what class, gender and attributes your healer will receive. Some of the attributes will have different weight of randomness to them making them rarer than others. For instance a certain hairstyle may be common while another may have a lower % chance of getting picked, then a certain cosmetic, color, clothing and more importantly how they all match with each other will give the whole minting a unique way to put together the healer you get and the cosmetic value to you or other collectors it may give. Here's an example of how the female nature healer could end up looking if you get lucky with some of the rarer picks:


Now I know some of you may be thinking, "we've seen these similar projects spawn all over the "web3" space" but let me assure you that this is just part of what we have planned for the healers. It's not all just throw money at minting one and hope you can get a rare to sell for more later to someone else as has been the case with most of these or the worse case scenario where they just fake initial hype, mints and take the money and just abandon the project the very next day of launch.

What healers can do in the game.

In the game healers will be very important in combat, both in PvP (battling other players) and PvE (battling against creatures).

The game is a 3d environment turn-based battler, each turn you get to decide what you'll do in the upcoming turn without the opponent knowing and similarly they get to decide as well. You may pick to command your creature to do a damaging move, throw a healing spell with your healer, switch your creature or in PvE, attempt to capture the enemy creature.

One thing to note about healers is that the RNG of their cosmetics doesn't define their abilities in the game, one healing class can be the same as another at the same level progression. What makes them stand out from each other will be in-game items they will be able to obtain and equip. Compared to creatures who will have a range of rarity in their stats, healers will all have the same healing abilities as their class counterpart but may differ slightly based on the players choice of level progression of "talents".

Let's get into some of these aspects, starting off with items.

Items in the game will mostly work on healers, with the starter sale people will be able to obtain the necessary ones to play which will be healing gloves, capture device, capture ammo and empty cards. While the healing gloves won't be the only items that healers can "equip" onto themselves, they'll be required to be able to use healing abilities in the game. In this post we revealed what some of these starter items will look like, but I'll add a quick image in here for those who've already read the post:

Items will be a fundamental part of your Holozing journey and resources will be quite harsh and scarce early on. This capture device above is one of the rarest people will be able to get from the starter sale, it's the "Holo" rarity capture device with accompanying "Holo" rarity capture ammo. What this device offers the healer is an increase stat of "Luck" along with the ammo which will increase your chances of capturing wild creatures you encounter in the game. Creatures won't tell you what their stats are exactly and when you battle them there's a range in place on moves and abilities that won't let you easily figure out what its stats are but the longer the battle progresses the more of an idea you get if you are facing a rare strong creature or if it's one you already have a better of and you're better off just defeating for the XP gain rather than spending capture ammo, an empty card and healing mana on keeping your own creature alive while attempting to capture it.

Aside from the Luck stat, healers will also have their own stats compared to creatures, one of them being "healing power", this increases the base efficiency of your healing abilities and will come with different items and different levels. Then you'll have "mana generation" which lets your mana regenerate while you're outside of a battle and may affect some other things like ability point generation.

As I mentioned, resources will be scarce but there are items to help you counter that if you ever find yourself in need of more mana or ability points such as elixirs and potions:

blue potion.png

greenish potion.png

Elixirs will place a "buff" on your healer for a certain duration that increases your mana generation while mana potions simply replenish your mana instantly. Similarly there'll be healer and creature food which will increase your creatures Health points and move points and your healers ability points meaning being able to use certain creature moves more times that day and healing abilities.

To give you a picture of the progression, it can be compared to some other MMORPG's we've known in the past where you will need to replace items over time as you progress and your healer gains XP and levels up. Healer XP will be slower than creature XP as we want healers to have a big roster of different creatures to level up along with them because when it comes to end-game PvP and PvE you will need as big of a part of unique and powerful creatures as you can to do well. This means that healers will progress slower than creatures and every now and then will obtain items that make them "catch up" with the progress the creatures have made in stats.

Creatures obtain stats as they level up, more about how and what to avoid there in another post, but healers don't obtain natural stats like healing points and mana generation from levels, instead they have to rely on upgrading their items. These items will have certain requirements along the way, some may be class-bound, meaning that you may obtain an item that the healing class you are playing can't use so you're better off equipping it on your other healer or trading it with other players who play that class. Some will have limitations such as level requirements, where you need to be a certain level to be able to equip that item, while others may just be low quality/rarity and not good enough to equip compared to what you are already wearing.

When it comes to abilities, healers won't see their abilities "level up" but rather rely on learning new abilities at higher levels and replacing some of the previous ones they may not have a need for any longer. The abilities will not only be restricted by ability points but also cost mana to use, so as you progress into higher levels and see your stats rise from items you will have to make certain decisions of learning new abilities that are stronger and cost more mana, or keeping with the lower level abilities because you don't really need them right now as you are leveling up some lower level creatures where the mana would just be a waste because you would end up overhealing them every turn.

There'll be a lot of gamification in terms of wanting different healers for different things, or wanting certain items and "sets" for different things in the game, for instance you may want a healer equipped mostly with Luck stat items so you can increase your chances at capturing creatures and obtaining items or resources after defeating creatures or you may want one that is powered up to the max to make your heals as efficient as possible to beat your rivals in the game and climb the PvP ladder.

Anyway, with this post I kind of just wanted to give people an overview of the healers in Holozing both as a refresher to those who've already been involved with the project but also to give a clearer picture of how things will work and the role healers will play in the game. There's still a lot of things left unsaid, as I mentioned in another post, the game has gotten quite complex for it not even being in a closed alpha yet, we are currently implementing some additional level 1 healing abilities to the different classes. We hope that while the wait has been long, it'll be worth it once it is released in beta and that people will enjoy the complexity and things they'll be able to do in the game and choose their paths forward. For instance another thing we haven't gotten to discuss and implement properly yet will be talent trees healers will be able to choose as they progress in their levels which will make them a bit more unique from other same-class healers. More about that in another post!

If you are new to this, head over to holozing.com to register with Hive keychain wallet, you can delegate some hivepower to @zingtoken to claim your share of zing token rewards for contributing to the project along with others.


Thanks for reading!


This version is very nice, it is now my favorite of all the healers ever released.

For instance another thing we haven't gotten to discuss and implement properly yet will be talent trees healers will be able to choose as they progress in their levels which will make them a bit more unique from other same-class healers

This gets me more and more excited about the game. This "talent tree" will make the game more exciting as well that's for sure.

This game is going to be very interesting from the features we are seeing. Keep up the good work on it

Wow - this sounds amazing, @acidyo Thanks for sharing.

Annabelle 😊

I know most of the customization part has its attribution too, but the girl in me would pick these based on the visual preferences hahaha

What’s the minimum HP I can delegate?If I’ve got some more HP, I’d delegate to @zingtoken

There's no minimum really just make sure you've logged in with keychain once to the website for it to start accumulating with the delegation.

Thank you very much

Thanks for the refresher. I forgot a few things so this helped me remember them. I do remember how complex and detailed everything is going to be so it's nice that it hasn't changed. Looking forward to more updates.

This sounds like a passion project and I am all for it. Hopefully things can go smoothly but with game development that just isn't feasible. Look forward to being around and playing it when it comes out!

Thanks for the explanation, I love how the forest healer looks in its rarer version. 😉✌🏽

This is the game I’ve been waiting for on Hive and I’d fully partake in it
I’ve got some tokens ready

The game really has gotten complex.

Guess I'd have to go check out some of it's posts to refresh my memory ✨

Wow brother this is absolutely impressive. I really like how detailed the healer customization is, especially the random attribute generation. It certainly makes each character feel unique and personal. Great work brother

I really like the looks of the characters, very cute but not overly manga. It'll be fun to open starter boxes eventually 😊 but like you said elsewhere - rather take your time with the game and do it right.

Good to see more regular posts from you again.

Cheers and likewise! :)

healing class is so good and so underrated to everyone 😔

With all due respect, but it seems to me that at this stage of the game, when according to the Whitepaper there should already be an OpenBeta, you only show us images of assets that you plan to include in the game.

I understand and I really understand that it is not easy, maybe the developers are not only dedicated to this and maybe they have other responsibilities, but one thing is to lie to 50 year old ladies excited about a NFT game and another thing is to lie to Gamers used to game development; How long do you really think it takes to make the image of those assets you showed? The capsules are even a copy and paste with a recoloring, and it's not a matter of Hate, it's enough with a search to find artists with similar works to the guns and that don't take so much time to show their progress.


Come on, what are you developing Silksong? Hall-Life 3? I think that if you really want people to trust the project, focus on showing Gameplay, create a video showing the progress, stick to your roadmap; are you aware that most of the people talking about Holozing is because people vote well in the FanArts? there are more Fan-Arts of this game than official images of the game.

I understand that you are excited and it is not easy, I also worked in game development, and I notice your excitement when talking about Holozing, but it seems that we are talking about a project that is getting heavy and may never come out, or it may come out in 3 years.

Appreciate the comment and criticism, you're right, the whitepaper does need another update (we already updated it once before this "break" we (primarily I myself) had as things seemed to take longer than you initially plan, markets not helping. It is one thing I will need to update once again now that I'm back.

With regards to the gun, it wasn't important to me to know where the artist was getting inspiration from when generating the concept of it, the important thing to me was the way it is used which makes it unique to other guns, the placeholder for cards on top of it and that it shoots a laser beam. Another thing that's important to note here with our game is that the handgun itself is just one of the first iterations of a capturing device we can have and the design will be limited to the alpha version. There may for instance be other handguns looking differently that players will be able to craft or obtain in the game and even something completely different from a handgun in the future.

We're not in the process right now of building up hype or looking to seek people's "trust" as you mention, they can choose what they want to do by themselves as it wouldn't change many things from our side. We do have a working game and we have leaked a few sneak peeks here and there to people close with the project but without everything being 3D ready we feel it may be too early to show sneakpeeks of it publically as it may weaken the effect of the quality we want the project to have. However as I mentioned in another post, if markets don't go our way, starter sale doesn't do too well, or we just aren't able to find other 3D artists of the same quality to help speed things along we may be forced to launch the game with placeholder 3D assets which we'll just implement whenever they're ready in the case of the game working perfectly well and being ready to be launched in terms of playability.

As for the fanart, we think it's a great strength of the ecosystem that we can reward and appreciate people interested in the project in different ways with rewards, it's something other gaming projects on Hive do as well but it's not something we are attempting to use as a way to hide something or fake hype where we'd attempt to lure them in with rewards. We often spend a lot of our daily voting power on projects like the @hbd.funder if there isn't enough content instead of overrewarding existing content that we feel may not be worthy a full upvote, for example.

Anyway, appreciate the comment.

They are all cute characters and the artist did a good job of their images.

I'm yet to play the game, this is a wake-up call for me to hop on it.

Thanks for the update! Claiming my rewards everyday!

wow, she looks so kind and nice! :)😉🌈✌️👊

This is one post has excellent details about the project.
Thanks for the informative post.

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I want to play this game but don't know how so I'll read more about this . Btw, good luck with this new project!

Awesome 😊


Sir, I need your support on my post for upvote. It will be honor to get your support

Very nice

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