More details about the starter pack items and creatures

in Holozing Community8 months ago

Holo! Another holo post today. While we're waiting for the last pieces of the puzzle to fall into place with the starter sale I figured it'd be a good time to get into some more details about what's inside the Holozing Alpha Starter "packs".

Now that we've gotten a bit closer I can finally mention why I've kept quoting "packs" when I've talked about them in the past, cause it won't be packs like in other games you may be familiar with, while the creatures are encapsulated within Holozing cards, the idea is that here they are formed from Holozing Energy that sits in these vials. When you purchase the vials you can either hold on to them or you can open them, once opened the vial gets destroyed and you will receive Holozing Alpha loot that we'll get into now.

This is what the Holozing Alpha vial will look like as we've leaked it on the Discord and Twitter recently:

We have some cool animations planned for how the creature card and items will come into existence but I'm not going to spoil any more of that interaction. Let's instead get into details of what's different about the Alpha Vial compared to future ones.

The Holozing Alpha vial is going on sale soon, there won't be a cap on them as we don't want people to miss out on being able to purchase them at the set price which is $20. Some people will be able to get it discounted by up to 31% if they participated in the December Advert Calendar claiming bonus we offered. While there won't be a total supply cap on the Alpha Vial, there'll be a time-based cap where once the Beta starters are nearing we'll stop selling Alpha Vials to prepare for Beta ones. This places the supply in the hands of the community and outsiders.

We will also be offering "collection rewards" of zing tokens to claim based on players holding closed and opened vials, i.e. closed vials will get a small portion of the 40k daily zing for holding them and creatures and items will get the majority of the daily zing to incentivize opening them. Let's get back to collection rewards later on in this post.


The Alpha Vial will guarantee one of the 4 starter creatures: Infurno, Wrackoo, Walle or Zappit in each one. These starter creatures won't be able to be captured in the game and will mostly just come out of the Alpha Vials. Since our game is still in its early phase and depending on how long the Alpha starter sale will last we don't want to limit the amount of these 4 starters completely so we may offer a certain % chance to get these 4 alpha starters in the Beta Vial as well but at a much lower droprate. The exact droprate is yet to be determined but will depend on certain things such as amount of alpha vials sold and the duration of the sale and growth of the project (currently at over 2k registered users).



Furthermore, the alpha starter creatures from the Alpha vial will have the best odds of high stat rarity coming from this vial compared to future ones. Let's say the odds to be able to get an Infurno at max stats at level 1 when opening up the Alpha Vial are 1 in 2000, for the Beta vial, not only will the odds to get an Infurno compared to the Beta starters be relatively small, but they will also have smaller odds of getting high rarity stats. It won't be impossible but definitely favor those who are opening up Alpha Vials. The Beta Vials will instead offer similar odds of stats for the Beta starter creatures.




Before we get into the items, let's talk cards. Cards are the items that hold your Holozing creatures. We are also going to be offering unique foils for the unique Alpha cards we've created, these come in creature-type color, gold and diamond. While we're not going to leak the design and looks of them here, we can't wait to see what the community thinks of them when the time comes to release the energy from the vials!

Apart from getting your starter creature already inside an Alpha Card during opening, you will also be able to receive 1-6 cards with weighted randomness towards the gold and diamond foils. This means that you'll have a certain % chance to only get 1 Alpha card and a smaller chance to receive 6 Alpha cards in each opening. Furthermore, there's also a small chance that it'll be a gold foil and a very small chance it'll be a diamond foil. In the opening, the rarest card you received will be shown and you'll be informed how many more of which foil you got underneath.

Compared to the starter creatures, cards won't be restricted to the Vials sold by us. Players will be able to craft them themselves once professions are live but the design won't be the same. You'll be able to tell Alpha cards apart from crafted cards and Alpha cards will also be re-usable compared to crafted cards. This means that if you capture a Miu with a rare foil alpha card but you're not too happy with its stats and are aiming to get one with better stats for your Alpha card, you'll be able to release the Miu back into the wild and use that card again on your next capture attempt for a different Miu. Keep in mind, though, that you can't transfer creatures from one card to another. If you manage to capture a very rare creature on a crafted card you won't be able to transfer it to a rare foil Alpha card or vice versa. Due to this, Alpha starter creatures will only ever exist on Alpha cards.


As we get into items, it's important to keep in mind that most of these along with cards will be possible to be crafted by players and their professions later on in the game. Even able to match and surpass the stats of items provided by our Alpha vials. We intend to make the player crafting economy valuable this way and most items sold by us will just be something that'll make it easier to get started to reach those higher levels which will be mostly player controlled. That said, for collectors there'll be scarcity and designs that won't be replicated by player crafting in the future.

The Alpha style.

As you may have noticed in our introductions to items in the @holozing posts, there's a certain style and color theme in the alpha items paired with the healer class symbols. Here are the bicycles for instance, one's outfitted with the Forest healer symbol and in the less rare form while the other is of the Ocean Healer symbol and in Holo-rarity.

forest bicycles.png

ocean bicycles holo.png

The rarer items will offer some perks ingame, whether it be bag-size, capture chance of the guns and ammo, or biking speed of the bicycles and Hoverboards, they'll stand out from the regular rarity. Similarly here as well players will be able to craft their own versions of transportation, capture devices and ammo and healing gloves and other healer gear.

Odds will be quite standard when it comes to items, for the starter capture device for instance it'll be 50% to receive an uncommon one, 35% for rare, 10% for epic, 4% for legendary and 1% for Holo rarity. Exact stat numbers stillm to be determined based on alpha testing and gameplay but the rarity will stick, i.e. how far off max rarity your creatures and items are.

Alright, so to end this post, here's a quick rundown on what you can expect when opening up an Alpha Vial.

  • starter creature (1 out of 4, inside an alpha starter card with different foils, creatures limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter empty cards (amount 1-6, different foils and design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter healing gloves (1, different rarities and stats, healer class restrictions, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter capture device (1, different rarities and stats, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter capture ammo (1, different rarities and stats, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter backpack (0-1, different rarities and size, healer class restrictions, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter mounts (0-1, won't be in every vial, different rarities and speeds and 2 different items, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • starter potion & elixir (1, either potion or elixir, no unique rarities, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • creature food (1, no unique rarities, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • healer food (1, no unique rarities, design limited to alpha starter sale)
  • drinking water (1, no unique rarities, design limited to alpha starter sale)

Okay, so what can be said about the alpha items, the uniqueness in them comes both from the design and from scarcity. Some items will be re-usable forever, such as the alpha cards, the capture device, mounts and backpacks while the same won't be true for craftable items with some exceptions. A lot of the items will also be consumables that'll be destroyed upon use, such as potions, elixirs, food, water and ammo clips.

That's it for today's post, hope it gave you some info you may have been wondering about. If you have any questions or some things I may have left out, feel free to ask in the comment section! Thanks for reading! Exciting times ahead!



That is one sweet-looking vial!

Also, I've got my fingers crossed to get a high-stat starter creature in a higher-tier card foil! If I do, though, I'm going to bench him until I get comfortable with the leveling mechanics. That way, I can reach its full potential!

Yeah, something I didn't mention in the post is that while it's super low odds to get a max stat creature at level 1, it won't be that difficult to level them up to max stats if they're already starting out close to it.

The vial reminded me a bit of lava lamps. It is nice that the price is lower than I expected, so I'll probably get at least one. It is cool how there is an incentive to buy the alpha vials, higher chance of better stats, things you can't get in succeeding vials, etc. I can see a lot of people buying tons of it because there is no limit. I hope the sale is successful, and I can't wait for it to start.

Ngl, as someone who missed out on Alpha Splinterlands packs, hearing the word "alpha" itself fills me with excitement. Happy Thursday GIF by MOODMAN

Hey Im an old school Hive user (old enough to remember the term steemians) and I've been back on the platform for a bit now. Saw your post and was curious as I've followed you since early days. Looked into the game and it looks really awesome, I'm totally into it. I invested in Steem Monsters way back in the day and I still value all my Alpha and Beta cards, I love getting in ground level on these things. I cant fin anywhere I can go to buy one of the starter packs? Or have you just not announced them officially yet?

Not announced nor launched yet, follow @holozing for official announcement!

Will be following! Getting in on that.... 😱 EIGHTY SEVEN POINT NINE NINE PERCENT!!!! pool too :)

Can't wait to open the first pack and start roaming the world :))

Is there any mechanism to guarantee having at least one creature of each element in case you buy say 10 starter packs at once? I am guite sure that with my luck, I'd get 10 of the same kind, regardless the odds ;)

there's trading:p

Then I'll dominate the market of monsters of one element :))

Will the game be playable from the desktop browser or will it work on mobile as well

The animation in the video really looks amazing and has also created some beautiful visuals for the game. Thank you for sharing the details.

Beautiful bottle. Liked and subscribed to the channel :)

Will we be able to buy the ALPHA using HBD?

The Holozing Alpha vial is going on sale soon, there won't be a cap on them as we don't want people to miss out on being able to purchase them at the set price which is $20.'

this month?

sources tell me yes

o.o shouldnt u know i thought u the leader of this project >.>

:D well my devs tell me it should be done before the month is over

o.o make them keep their word

"The Alpha Vial will guarantee one of the 4 starter creatures: Infurno, Wrackoo, Walle or Zappit in each one."

Is it a random starter or are we able to choose?

it'll be random, 25% chance for each

This is another great update that will take the game to an greater level

Super exciting 😃

Thanks for the details info regarding the Holozing assets.

I'm thinking of opening up two Alpha packs and hodling one

Wow this is so amazing i love it. Thanks for sharing

This game keep getting more exciting features, yoy @acidyo you and your team are doing an Amazing Job,I can wait, so much Anticipating #Holozing

I'm assuming that $20 will be able to be paid in HBD or Hive? Looks like I better start saving up some money!

yes both

Thank you much!

I loved the design of the capsule, let's hope the game also has several languages to play ^^

Thank you so much for sharing this informative and updated post with us. The alpha starter vial looks really amazing. I hope your interest in the creatures of the holozing community is beneficial. I learned a lot from the details of the alpha starter packs. thank you

Will there be a bulk buy promo? I hope there's something like a buy 10, get 1 to encourage players to buy more. 😎

Super impressive.
What a wonderful update that would upgrade the game into another level

it's intresting to see the development and glimpse of the game. The packs price looks expensive as compare to the other game packs. The pa kd will be available for I game Zing token also?