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RE: Healing Gloves and Capture Device & Ammo reveal!

Cards will have their own rarities as well, some will also have restrictions on which creatures/creature types you can use them on but other than that it's all just aesthetics/collector based. I.e. cards won't have "stats" like Luck stat that the capture device and ammo have along with other healer items.


i see and these cards are basically bound to the creature right. so if i wanted the best combination. id want to save a legendary card for like an epic/legendary creature to have the most value from a collector perspective right.

Thank you I will note all this down and get ready to play with all the information u shared :D

We will also have a way for people release their captured creatures if they want, some cards, like the ones obtained from the alpha starter sale, will become empty again and let you re-use them while others may deplete with the release of the creature.

There'll be some zing rewards for releasing creatures compared to the overall base cost of capturing them and based on the rarity, stats, and other things of the creature you're releasing.