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RE: Zingtober event and achievements!

in Holozing Community5 months ago

1st october, yes

digital yes of course!

no real brush restrictions as long as it isn't something crazy

yeah we'd want people to stick to one color, so going black gives you all shades of black/gray and similar with other colors

Yes it's holozing themed only but that doesn't mean you have to only reference existing official resources, as long as it's around the time of holozing (year 2042+) you can go quite wild with it, think of it as something that could be holozing related, we just haven't gotten there yet :D

so the "hard" part would be doing both official prompt list + making it relatable to holozing, else you can just do something you think would go with holozing but without following the official inktober prompts


well i already planned to do inktober ^^ this is gonna be exciting 💕💕

Ah great! I will be joining then haha.

Death by drawing it is then 😂!

@deddywox @jijisaurart @bananzell join me xd. See ya in hell 😂.

yuhuu...okey man😂⚡

Damnnn 😆 Inktober will be lit 🔥 should we start drafting? Hahaha


Probably haha. Looks like it won't take much time as it will be drawn in monochrome