Ground type and Ice type dragon girl

Assalam o alikum everyone! How are you all? Hope you all are well and enjoying your Ramadan.Today after a week I am again participating in @holozing community. Today the character I decided to make is ground type dragon girl and ice type dragon girl. I made 2 characters in one image.

So let's start it.

Final image:

Material required

The app I used to make it is Ibis paint x software and I choose digital pen from the pen tool.


First of all I made ground type dragon girl. I made its face outline it's eyes,nose,ears next I made it's horns and then I made it's hairs. After that I made it's arms,legs and other face feathers next I made it's clothes. Let's me show you.

Now the ground type dragon girl's outline is ready.

After that I made ice type dragon girl. First I made it's face outline it's eyes and nose and other face feathers and I also made it's earrings in her ears. Then I made it's hairs and after that I made it's body feathers and it's clothes and I also made it's shoes. The pictures are given below 👇.

Now it is also ready. The outline is completely ready.

After making its outline I coloured it by using different colours. First I coloured the ground type dragon girl by using brown shades. Then I coloured ice type dragon girl.

After colouring I set back ground behind it.
I set brown background behind the ground type dragon and I set cool background behind the Ice type dragon girl.
And now my today's character is ready. Hope you like it a lot. Will you people like it? Tell me in the comment section.

I will back with another idea soon
Till then Allah Hafiz and take care.
And also remember me in your prayers.
Bye bye 👋