Voltares are extremely rare and enigmatic creatures; legend has it that they are created when a very specific lightning bolt strikes a puma. Those that survive the electric discharge become these powerful electric creatures, capable of killing an enemy even without touching them, using only the electric current that emanates from their bodies.
Powers: Voltaris controls electricity in a wild and ferocious manner. Its most lethal ability is the Charge Rush, where, by moving rapidly, it accumulates electricity in its body, which is then released in a burst of lightning, striking its enemies from a considerable distance. This power also allows it to manipulate the electric field around it, creating high-voltage barriers that are nearly impossible to cross without being electrocuted.
Another ability is the Storm's Touch, where Voltaris can discharge an electric current directly from contact with its claws or teeth, paralyzing its victims for a short period, leaving them vulnerable to subsequent attacks. Its presence can also generate a Furious Electric Storm on the battlefield, distorting gravity and making the terrain prone to constant shocks, as if the arena itself were charged with the energy of an impending lightning strike.
Behavior and Combat Strategy:
Voltaris is an extremely intelligent hunter, using its electric power to disorient and weaken the enemy before delivering a lethal strike. It prefers to ambush its prey with quick and nearly invisible movements, utilizing the electric field around it to distort the enemy's perception, making it almost invisible on the battlefield, like a fleeting lightning bolt.