Holozing fanart: Glimmo on a trip.

in Holozing Community2 months ago (edited)
Authored by @Akazu

 " "Project (20250115032511)_2.webp""

Hello friends!, How are y'all doing?
Trust your day is going well?

It has been difficult for me to draw digitally since last week cause of bad network. Even doing a mixed-media art like this one takes a lot of time to achieve, cause at every stage of the drawing I need to upload the procedure.

Today, I'm sharing a drawing I did of #zing character called "Glimmo". It was firstly drawn with pen and after which, was completed digitally.

 " "Screenshot_20250115-081909_1.png""

Glimmo is one creature I love so much, besides its calm appearance, it reminds me of an old time folk tale told by my grandma about a little dragon who lived in a small village called Atao. Lol.. That story really inspired the drawing cause I had to imagine the character trekking down the desert in search for a land of peace.

The art piece is the mixture of traditional and #digitalart and it describes the creature and its reflection in a blue and black colour walking in desert in a bright hour of the day. I do hope you'd love it!

 " "IMG_20250115_100259_393.jpg""

 " "IMG_20250115_103115_297.jpg""

 " "IMG_20250115_104803_208.jpg""

 " "IMG_20250115_113053_787.jpg""

 " "Project (20250115115049).webp""

 " "Project (20250115120711).webp""

 " "Project (20250115031457).webp""

 " "Project (20250115032511)_2.webp""

It's always a pleasure to post here..
Thanks for your love and support!