Infurnal's rest day

Holo! ^^ I'm writing a little later than my usual writing time cuz I woke up at noon and I definitely only started drawing at around 2pm or so with snacks and cat squishing breaks in between XD
So this week, I'm kind of pushing the illustration-type drawings I've been trying to learn and I don't know if I could count this as one of the good ones but I do think it came out cute XD And I am happy with how peaceful it looks

Duration: 1.5 hours
Software: gopaint

So you may have noticed that I've been a little addicted to the crayon brush lately because I'm still using it on this one XD But really, I just enjoy the texture it has that much.
I didn't really have much of a mood to practice faces again so for the time being, creatures it is. Plus I haven't quite gotten the hang of doing full render pieces on this software yet and I'm still exploring techniques.
It just so happens that coloring is a technique that follows me no matter which medium it is I use.

But as for my progression:

I started doing the grass then the sketch XD and I kept redoing the sketch for a while until my wolf didn't look as awkward as it did in the beginning. I thoroughly made use of the crayon brush on this one and basically stuck with it throughout the drawing.

At this point, I already had my base colors and was just doing little detail ups, mostly with the fur and grass since I wanted the fur to at least have some depth to it.

Then I started adding the final details like the fire and the little grass blades and a few flowers here and there to make it look like it was sleeping on a field

And this is where my drawing for the day ends ^^ Feel free to comment or react to my little infurnal! This is all from me for today. I might be around a little tomorrow on another community, but just know that I will be lurking around ^^
Thank you guys for the support! I will see you guys next time!

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