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RE: Emberox fan art

still busy with work? i don't see you drawing anymore 😢😢 but I'm glad you're doing good ☺️ i do see you around every now and then
And it has been a test of patience to finally get back to where we were before the break up we had 🥲 I'm also happy we finally got to this point


Work occupies a lot of my focus and energy 😩. I am still painting, but nothing digital. Traditional is a lot slower! But it's OK. Serious relationships take a lot of dedication and compromise, I feel you. And I hope you're both happy together! It's worth the effort for someone you love ❤️

it's definitely draining you and i can see that 🥲🥲🥲 i miss having you around more often, actually 🥲
And yeah, we're taking this a lot more seriously this time so we've both been building and talking about what we need to do and what we have to do for a future together. it feels nice though. to know that someone wants a future with me

I miss you guys too, rip artpark 💀🖤
You're right, it's definitely necessary to talk about things and have a mutual understanding. Since this is the 2nd time, maybe it's really meant to be with you two!

i hope it's meant to be cuz I am trying to hard to save up to be with him 🥲