New Holozing Capture Device | Fanart (not official)

Thumbnail Image.png

This post started like any of my other posts. I was bored sitting at my desk and decided I wanted to create something.

I started to look through the Holozing files and official artwork and items and all that.

This is what caught my eye:

The Capture Device (HOLO).png

It is a capture device in game to capture your pals. But I had a problem with it.. The range can't be all that good can it?

Here is another look at the device.

The Capture Device and Capture Ammo.png

So the Battery Back goes into the handle/grip and powers the device. Makes sense. I love the overall design of it but I thought to myself... I could make something cooler. So that is what I set out to do.

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

The first thing I did was basically sketch out the current capture device but elongate the barrel.


I didn't really like it but it was a start!

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

Then I thought I needed to add more to it. So I was thinking well if I am making a long range capture device it will need more juice to power it so it will probably take 2 Energy/Ammo Clips right?

Extended Frame and Gem with Ammo Clip Storage.png

That is what I came up with on my next iteration. I liked the idea but also hated the 2nd hand grip towards the front of the capture device.

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

BUT WAIT! Then I thought maybe I need a scope so you can see those animals/pals from far away.

Ammo Clip is 2nd Hand Grip.png

I also changed up the 2nd ammo clip/grip thingy but still didn't love that either.

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

But before I fixed that I realized that a long range capture device will need a long range barrel obviously.

Extended Barrell Design.png

This is when it started to get fun with my design and overall look. But everything was still separate items I needed to put together.

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

And it will also need a shoulder butt for better support when 'firing' it.

Shoulder Butt Design (right side up).png

I also really liked the originally handle grip design so I wanted to mirror that to my 2nd grip as well.

But I decided to put everything together in my digital software, trace it all up and color it and see how it looks.

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

After I scanned all my physical drawings and put them into my GIMP software, I started to move them around and trace each part as it's own layer.

Here are some progress pics of my workflow.

Screenshot 2025-02-13 07_53_46-_[Untitled]-4.0 (RGB color 8-bit gamma integer, GIMP built-in sRGB, 9 layers) 50.png

Screenshot 2025-02-13 08_13_26-_[Untitled]-4.0 (RGB color 8-bit gamma integer, GIMP built-in sRGB, 11 layers) 5.png

Screenshot 2025-02-13 08_37_27-_[Untitled]-4.0 (RGB color 8-bit gamma integer, GIMP built-in sRGB, 13 layers) 5.png

Screenshot 2025-02-14 07_25_30-_Long Gun.xcf-4.0 (RGB color 8-bit gamma integer, GIMP built-in sRGB, 15 layers).png

Screenshot 2025-02-13 13_25_36-_Long Gun.xcf-4.0 (RGB color 8-bit gamma integer, GIMP built-in sRGB, 13 layers).png

Icons with 4 characters in the middle (Static).png

After a few hours over the course of 2 weeks this is what I came up with.

Long Gun (Final Image).png

Features to call out:

  • Red Dot Sight
  • Extended Barrel for more accuracy
  • Shoulder Butt for more support (accuracy)
  • 2nd Ammo Clip for more power
  • Flashlight underneath the Barrel for capturing during the night
  • Extended Gem on top cause YOLO!

I think that's about it.

I did try to ass some graphics like logo or words but they just didn't look right so it's not done done but it's done for me. If anyone wants to take this design/idea and run with it. By all means go for it!

Healer with Capture Device.png

I hope you like it 😀