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RE: Starter pack thoughts and details (non-official)

in Holozing Community11 months ago

Question: Will each user be able to purchase more than 1 starter pack? What will be the benefit of purchasing and opening multiple packages (besides receiving $ZING)? Thank you


Yes, of course, it's just the discount will only count for the first one.

You'll get the chance to roll another starter creature. Potentially one with better stats. Healing gloves of higher rarity, a better capture device and more + better ammo, more backpacks, mounts, empty cards and consumables. Sure you're not going to be able to "need" all of them but trading will be available to get rid of what you don't want or buy what you want from others who bought packs.

You can also save them unopened in case you think it'll be worth it long term, there's always collectors looking to purchase early packs from popular games out there.

discount will only count for the first one