Hello friends of the community. I tell you that a few days ago I saw Fally in real life. Well, as such it wasn't Fally, it was actually a Long-tailed Gabilán or Cuban Gabilán, as it is also known. The truth is that they share many characteristics of birds of prey and that is why I say I saw a Fally.
Hola amigos de la comunidad. Les cuento que hace unos días vi a Fally en la vida real. Bueno, como tal no era Fally, en realidad era un Gabilán colilargo o Gabilán cubano, como también se le conoce. Lo cierto es que comparten muchas características de las aves de presa y es por eso que digo que vi un Fally.

Back home, I was thinking about the idea of making a fan art drawing in which I would mix a little bit the anatomy of the sparrowhawks with the colors of Fal and Fally, the creatures of Holozing. And, well, below I share with you the step by step of the creation of the drawing, as well as the final result. I hope you like it.
Al volver a casa, me quedé pensativo mientras valoraba la idea de hacer un dibujo fan art en el cual mezclara un poco la anatomía de los gavilanes con los colores de Fal y Fally, las criaturas de Holozing. Y, pues bueno, a continuación les comparto el paso a paso de la creación del dibujo, al igual que el resultado final. Espero que les guste.

Step by step // Paso a paso
I started by drawing the outline of the bird and the branch where it would be perched. Then I added details to the plumage of the breast, the wings and marked some shadows. Additionally, I drew the eyes and details of the beak.
Comencé dibujando el contorno del ave y la rama donde estaría posada. Luego agregué detalles al plumaje del pecho, las alas y marqué algunas sombras. Adicionalmente, ya dejé dibujados los ojos y detalles del pico.
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Next, I accentuated some strokes that didn't look right and added some plants in the background to make the drawing look less empty and give a sense of realism. Once I was happy with the sketch, I went over each stroke with black ink and erased the pencil strokes.
A continuación, acentué algunos trazos que no me habían quedado bien y agregué al dibujo algunas plantas en el fondo para que no quedase tan vacío y diera una sensación de realismo. Una vez que estuve contento con el boceto, repasé cada trazo con tinta negra y borré los trazos del lápiz.
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I started by painting the beak and legs yellow, not including the claws. Then I gave two shades of carmelite to the plumage on the head and to some darker colored spots they have in that area, which I imagine is a kind of camouflage. Additionally, I applied an olive green in the eyes and a dark gray at the junction of the beak with the head.
From here on, things got a little complicated because when I compared the color palette of Fally with that of the hawks and falcons, I realized that it was inverted, since most of the wings are darker than the plumage of the legs, but in the case of Fally it is the other way around. Still, I managed by using six shades of carmelite to give the bird a beautiful look.
Empecé pintando de amarillo el pico y las patas sin incluir las garras. Luego di dos tonos de carmelita al plumaje de la cabeza y a unas manchas de color más oscuro que tienen en esa zona, lo cual imagino que sea una especie de camuflaje. Adicionalmente, apliqué un verde olivo en los ojos y un gris oscuro en la unión del pico con la cabeza.
A partir de aquí la cosa se complicó un poco porque al comparar la paleta de colores de Fally con la de los halcones y gavilanes, me di cuenta de que esta estaba invertida, ya que en su mayoría las alas son más oscuras que el plumaje de las piernas, pero en el caso de Fally es al revés. Aun así, me las ingenié utilizando seis tonalidades de carmelita para darle un aspecto hermoso al ave.
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When I finished painting the whole body of the bird, I went over some strokes and silhouettes of the wings with a dark gray color. Finally, I painted the trees in the background very light so that they didn't stand out so much in the drawing, but so that they didn't clash either.
Cuando termine de pintar todo el cuerpo del ave, repase algunos trazos y siluetas de las alas con un color gris oscuro. Para finalizar, pinté los árboles del fondo bien claros para que no destacaran tanto en el dibujo, pero para que no desentonaran tampoco.

Finished Drawing // Dibujo Terminado
And so this is how my fanart version of Fally would look like in real life, which I made by merging the features of a sparrowhawk with the colors of Fally, a beautiful creature from Holozing. I hope you liked the drawing. Without further ado, I bid you a happy and prosperous day.
Y pues así es como quedaría mi versión fanart de Fally en la vida real, la cual hice fusionando los rasgos de un gavilán con los colores de Fally, una hermosa criatura de Holozing. Espero que les haya gustado el dibujo. Sin más que agregar, me despido deseándoles una feliz y próspera jornada.
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Credits and Resources // Créditos y Recursos
Cover page created in Canva
Translated by DeepL
Images captured with my Samsung Galaxy A53

Cover page created in Canva
Translated by DeepL
Images captured with my Samsung Galaxy A53
Fally is a wonderful and wonderful animal. This animal you have proven creative goal skills with great feeling through digital drawing. Each step is smoothly arranged with the extraordinary form of nature, the drawing of the feet and the design of the lips. He created and presented a beautiful view of sitting on a tree. Thanks for sharing
mind-blowing art work, that looks fantastic. thanks for sharing the detailed steps. That looks more beautiful than the original one.
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Muchísimas gracias por todo el apoyo 🤗
You did a smooth work selecting these color to bring your drawing into life.
Thank you