Zingtober - Day 22 Camp - 2024 [ENG/ESP]

These days besides being busy, I was partying because it was my birthday. During the weekend until last night I didn't feel like drawing because I was still finishing the celebration and because I felt sad.

Commenting on the challenge and the drawing: I couldn't continue where one of the reasons is because the words that followed didn't really excite my creativity (I don't know why) and the other is because more than 48 hours had already passed for me to take it into account. So, to avoid complications I went for yesterday's "Camp":

Spanish spanish no mondongo

-- Estos días además de estar ocupado, estuve de fiesta porque era mi cumpleaños. Durante el fin de semana hasta anoche no me sentía de ganas para dibujar porque todavía estaba terminando la celebración y porque me sentía triste.
-- Comentando sobre el reto y del dibujo: No podía continuar donde una de las razones es porque las palabras que seguian realmente no me entusiasmaban a la creatividad (no sé por que) y la otra es porque ya habían pasado más de 48h para yo la tomara en cuenta. Así que para no complicarme me fui por la del día de ayer "camp"

zingtober camp by frankches.png

One holozing is missing, but that one is already asleep inside the other camp that you can't see in the image.

Another of the defects or problems I have when drawing is to include more than 1 character in the same drawing since it is difficult for me to maintain the same size for all the characters and the quality.

For example, the Raccomon is approximately the same size as the healers. 😅

It's strange, but with one character I can focus more on giving it a better appearance, with two I try but it doesn't look so bad, from 3 the imperfections start to show more.

But being an inktober challenge I said: “let's try with 2” but in the end the idea gave me enough for 3 characters. Of course, I substituted a dragon for the Raccomon because it was very complicated to try to make its design. About the healers I chose, I must admit that I like their designs, especially the one in the forest (very gorgeous) and I wanted to draw them but both had their difficulty although I could simplify it in the image.

Spanish spanish no mondongo

-- Pero al ser un reto de inktober dije: "vamos a probar con 2" pero al final la idea me dio para 3 personajes. Eso sí, sustituí a un dragón de por el Raccomon porque me complicó mucho tratar de hacer su diseño. sobre los healers que escogí, debo admitir que me gustan sus diseños, sobre todo la del bosque (muy guapa) y quise dibujarlos pero ambos tenían su dificultad aunque pude simplificarlo en la imagen.

Well, to finish I leave my creative process in a GIF:

zingtober camp gif by frankches.gif

Drawing made by me on PC Medibang Pro with mouse 🖱

Dibujo hecho por mí en Medibang Pro de PC con el mouse 🖱

  • Translation with deepL.com

In case you don't know, I'm participating in the same Inktober list but with a holozing theme, that is to say with the Zingtober version.

Por si no lo sabes, estoy participando en la misma lista de Inktober pero con temática Holozing, es decir con la versión Zingtober para más info, ve a la comunidad de ellos.


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