Short-haired Forest Healer, Noxic, and Cinella

Holo, everyone! 😁

Happy Friday, y'all!

Here is a fanart in a combo of a healer and creatures (holomons). ☺️



Sketch and Lineart

I have not seen a short-haired forest healer so why not make one? And, in this art, I thought of putting Noxic and Cinella too since it is a nature-themed element.



Basecolor and detailing

I then filled the spaces with the basecolor. I thought would be a nice complement to the green hair. Here, I focused on making the eyes. I change the shape of the pupil to heart. Next is applying the gradient green background.



Shadows and Highlights

I used an airbrush and cell brush for the shadows and highlights.

Final Art


I used a special brush to make those leaves on the background and then applied a gradient color. Those Cinellas were from my previous fanart to give some pop of red color on the background. Next is the Noxic from my previous fanart then gave a glow to highlight.

💖 Final art 💖

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That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. ©️jijisaurart

💖 NFT Showroom on Bio: Chibis on Hive
