Arte Digital | Digital Art
Let's see a little about the creation process, it's always good to see what's behind each art, join meโฉโฉโฉ...Hello people, how are you today? Merry Christmas to the entire holozing community, special greetings to the @holozing team @acidyo, today I dedicate some art to your community, I wanted to create a special Christmas art, with the beautiful healer of the forest, although it is covered with snow in This season, the beautiful healer keeps it vibrant green with a little magic...
Materiales | Materials
- Desktop computer
- Tableta Huion H950P
- Programa Adobe Photoshop 2019
- Ordenador de mesa
- Huion H950P tablet
- Adobe Photoshop 2019 program
Proceso | Process
Paso 1
- Iniciamos con un bosquejo de lo que serรญa el personaje, creando una silueta y dejando que fluyan lineas sobre รฉl, asi es como resulta mas facil su creaciรณn:
Step 1
- We start with a sketch of what the character would be, creating a silhouette and letting lines flow over it, this is how its creation is easier:
Paso 2
- Una ves que conseguimos un bosquejo mas claro, o donde se aprecie el personaje al cual agregaremos volumen y forma, agrego parches de tres colores no muy sataturados, una base, un color para identificar sus sombras y otro tono para identificar la luz o la parte alta del cuerpo:
Step 2
- Once we get a clearer sketch, or where the character to which we will add volume and shape can be seen, I add patches of three not very saturated colors, a base, a color to identify its shadows and another tone to identify the light or the part. body height:
Paso 3
- Mezclamos los colores que agregamos anteriormente, para esto uso un pincel suave de bordes difusos, con este el proceso es mucho mas facil, seguidamente voy dando forma a su cuerpo que seria la parte del personaje de inspiracion:
Step 3
We mix the colors that we added previously, for this I use a soft brush with diffuse edges, with this the process is much easier, then I will shape his body which would be the part of the inspiration character:
Paso 4
- Pensaba que su outfit navideรฑo serรญa verde pero el color rojo resalto muchisimo asi que lo cambiรฉ mas adelante, mientras tanto empece a detallar su cabello, creando hebras sueltas para dar soltura y movimiento. Yaay ya estaba tomando forma, agreguรฉ enormes ojos verdes y un poco de maquillaje en tonos rojos para combinar con su vestido...
Step 4
- I thought her Christmas outfit would be green but the red color stood out a lot so I changed it later, meanwhile I started to detail her hair, creating loose strands to give looseness and movement. Yaay was already taking shape, I added huge green eyes and a little makeup in red tones to match her dress...
Paso final
- Para finalizar todo el proceso de creaciรณn agreguรฉ detalles finales como brillos, mas luces y ajustes totales de color.
Final step
- To finalize the entire creation process, I added final details such as highlights, more highlights and total color adjustments.
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one ๐
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Te quedรณ super bonito