Inspired by the healer of the forest. Tutorial .Fanart. Holozing

in Holozing Community2 months ago

Wishing this great family of creators lots of good vibes and well being for every household. I hope everyone is having a nice and productive week.
We are already in the month of fantasy, illusion, magic and wonder. This time I bring you a nice craft inspired by one of the various creatures of this ecosystem.Nice evening @holozing

Deseo para esta gran familia de creadores mucha buena vibra y bienestar para cada hogar. Espero que todos esten teniendo una agradable y productiva semana.
En esta ocasión les traigo una linda manualidad inspirada en uno de los diversos sanadores de este ecosistema.Linda tarde @holozing




For this project I was inspired by the healer of the forest, because I was very excited to try to make a doll in this material, and more if it represented the protector of nature.
For its execution I tried to keep as many qualities as possible, from its color, its features, and style.
I appreciated to give him a style of his own, where he would bring out his tender and adorable side.

Para este proyecto me inspire en el sanador del bosque, pues me hacia mucha ilusión intentar hacer un muñequito en este material, y mas si representaba al protector de la naturaleza.
Para su ejecución trate de mantener la mayor cantidad de cualidades posibles, desde su color, sus rasgos, y estilo.
Aprecie darle un estilo propio, donde sacara su lado tierno y adorable.

I invite you to join me in this little tutorial on how to make another of the fantastic healers of this immense ecosystem.

Los invito a acompañarme en este pequeño tutorial de como hacer a otro de los fantásticas sanadores de este inmenso ecosistema.

Materiales / Materials

  • Moldable Foami
  • Tools for working with foami paste
  • ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

    Foami moldeable
    Herramientas para pasta de foami

    I started by taking a portion of black, to make his whole body (legs and trunk), for this, I made a half oval ball and two little worms. Then I placed it next to the trunk, in such a way that it gave the sensation of being seated.

    Comence tomando una porcion de de negro, para realizar todo su cuerpo (piernas y tronco), para ello, hice una bolita medio ovalada y dos gusanitos. Colocandolo luego junto al tronco, de manera tal que diera la sensación de estar sentado.

    Then take a portion of white to make the jacket of the same. For its elaboration, I divided this paste in three parts. The front would have two rectangular shaped pieces and the back would have only one rectangular shaped and rounded at the other end. As this healer, like most of them, has a long sleeve jacket, this one could not be less. So I took another bit of foami and made two little worms to make the arms, and the collar of the jacket.

    Luego tome una porción de blanco para hacer la chaqueta del mismo. Para su elaboración, dividi en tres partes esta pasta. El frente tendria dos piezas de forma rectangular y la tracera solo una con una forma rectangular y redondeada en la otra punta. Como este sanador al igual que la mayoría, tiene una chaqueta manga larga, este no podia ser menos. Asi que tome otra poco de foami y hice dos gusanitos para hacer los brazos, y el cuello de la chaqueta.

    I took some skin color and green to make the face, hands and hair of this little friend. For the head I made a little ball and then I placed another very small one to be his nose.
    For the hair I did several sessions, to get as much resemblance as possible, making parts with spiky shapes and detailing them with a tool.

    Tome un poco de color piel y verde para hacer la cara, manos y el cabello de este amiguito. Para la cabeza hice una bolita y luego le coloque otra bien pequeñita para que fuese su nariz.
    Para el cabello hice varias sesiones, para obtener el mayor parecido posible, haciendo partes con formas de picos y detallandolos con una herramienta.

    Finally I made the crown of leaves to represent his power or element, making the branch of carmelite color all over the head, and the leaves with green, very few, because it is a little doll, I did not want to overload it.
    I placed the eyes, and detail with a black feather.

    Por ultimo le hice la corona de hojas en representación a su poder o elemento, haciendo la rama de color carmelita por toda la cabeza, y las hojas con verde, muy pocas, pues es un muñequito chiquito, no queria sobrecargarlo
    Le coloque los ojos, y detalle con una pluma de color negro.




    Thank you for reading my post. I would appreciate if you leave me your nice comments 🤩, and support. If you like my content you can follow me and keep up to date with new projects. Blessings and happy day 🌇....

    Gracias por leer mi post. Agradeceria que me dejaran sus lindos comentarios 🤩, y apoyo. Si os gusta mi contenido pueden seguirme y estar al dia con nuevos proyectos. Bendiciones y feliz dia 🌇...

    All photographs are my own, captured from my cell phone and edited by GridArt, I used
    The text or summary is entirely my own.

    Todas las fotografias son de mi autoria, capturadas desde mi celular y editadas por GridArt, usé
    El texto o resumen es totalmente de mi autoria.


    Amazing job friend, thanks for sharing your beautiful fanart with us and for also walking us through the whole creation process. Well done friend.

    Thank you so much 🙏🏻☺️

    Congratulations, you have received support from Ecency through curator @reachdreams

    Muchas gracias por el apoyo, es gratificante y de mucha ayuda para seguir avanzando y creando más proyectos...

    Thank you very much for your support, it is gratifying and very helpful to keep moving forward and creating more projects.....