Holozing: Financial Evaluation of My Investment in ZING:SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool after 101 Days! (ENG/ITA)


Holozing Logo owned by @holozing - Cover Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Fonts used are Open Source

La versione in italiano è subito dopo la versione in inglese - The Italian version is immediately after the English version


Financial Evaluation of My Investment in ZING:SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool after 101 Days!


On the Hive blockchain, the number of playable games is continually growing, and the number of game projects in development is also continually growing.

There are 6 projects of the games under development that I am interested in and among them is Holozing which definitely occupies an important place for me.

Screenshot from: Announcing: Holozing - a roleplaying adventure game

Holozing is in the Closed Alpha stage of development and at this stage it is not possible to play the game but it is possible to accumulate the ZING token, Holozing's native token, through purchase on Hive Engine or through 3 distribution methods:

  • ZING staking
  • HP Delegation
  • Liquidity Pool: ZING:SWAP.HIVE


For ZING staking and HP delegation, ZING token rewards are distributed hourly and it is possible to claim from the Rewards section of the Holozing website.


Liquidity provider rewards, on the other hand, are distributed every 24 hours, and ZING tokens arrive directly in the liquidity providers' Hive Engine wallets.


I use all methods to earn ZING tokens but in this post my focus is on the pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE because today I did the financial analysis of my investment in the pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE after 101 days since my first liquidity addition and in this post I share my analysis and financial results.

The last time I shared the financial analysis of my investment in the ZING:SWAP.HIVE diesel pool was on December 30, 2023: Financial Evaluation of My Investment in ZING:SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool after 54 Days!

If you have never invested in a liquidity pool I recommend that you study and learn about the mechanisms that govern a liquidity pool before you invest!

I have devoted a previous post of mine to explaining the mechanisms and risks of liquidity pools which I hope will be helpful to you and which you can read by clicking on the next link.

After this small and necessary premise, I can share an analysis of my investment in the liquidity pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE over a time interval of 101 days.

I started adding liquidity into the ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool on November 5, 2023, 101 days ago.


Unfortunately, there is no tool to automatically calculate the financial results of an investment in a Diesel pool, so it is necessary to first collect some data manually.

In fact, to do the financial analysis of an investment in a liquidity pool you need the following main informations:

  • the total amount of the token pair you have added as liquidity in a specific time interval
  • the total amount of rewards you received in a specific time interval
  • the current market value of the tokens you have added as liquidity
  • the current market value of the tokens you received as rewards for adding liquidity to the pool

To track all my liquidity addition and removal transactions in the Diesel Pools I use the Pools->Transactions section of TribalDex


To calculate the total amount of ZING tokens I received as rewards I use HE Block Explorer


The fees earned are not important for financial evaluation purposes because they are automatically added to the liquidity in the pool but can always be viewed in the Pools->Your Positions->Fee Earned section of TribalDex


To do the analysis of my investment in the ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool, I constructed a table in which I marked all the operations I made in the time interval November 5, 2023-today February 14, 2024.

This is definitely the one most laborious and even somewhat tedious step you have to do if you want to analyze an investment in a liquidity pool.

So far in the ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool I have only done liquidity addition transactions.
In the table below you can see all the transactions I have made and all the rewards I have received to date.



From November 5, 2023 until today, February 14, 2024 (101 days) I have entered into the ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool:

  • 535.30 SWAP.HIVE
  • 26031.67 ZING

I received a total of rewards = 20777.61 ZING.


After 101 days as a liquidity provider I have 0.49% of the Share of the pool and have liquidity equal to:

  • 29387.329 ZING
  • 458.32427636 SWAP.HIVE


My Share decreased starting January 18 because I stopped adding liquidity to the pool and sold most of the rewards I received to increase the liquidity in my Holozing piggy bank which I will use entirely to buy starter packs when the sale starts (shouldn't be long now).


In the following table you can see:

  • **the calculation of the value I would have today if instead of adding liquidity into the pool I had chosen the Holding
  • the value of my current liquidity in the pool
  • the value of my current liquidity in the pool + the total value of the ZING token rewards I received.


In 101 days I added 535.29 SWAP.HIVE in the pool but today I have 458.32 SWAP.HIVE
In 101 days I added 26031.67 ZING in the pool but today I have 29387.32 ZING

If I removed my liquidity from the pool today:

  • I would receive a smaller amount of SWAP.HIVE than I put into the pool
  • I would receive an amount of ZING greater than the amount I put into the pool

In 101 days, my liquidity lost a value = $8.22 (= Impermanent Loss).
In 101 days I received a total reward = 20777.61 ZING = $102.04

If I had chosen Holding today I would have a value = $299.68
By investing in the liquidity pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE, thanks to the ZING token rewards I received, I covered and exceeded the impermanent loss and also made a profit over the holding: +$93.82


My analysis, however, is not complete because:

  • the SWAP.HIVE tokens I could convert to HIVE and then to Hive Power to receive a APR of 10-12% (staking + curation)
  • the ZING tokens I could put them into staking to receive more ZING tokens via Holozing claimdrop (the APR was dynamic and decreased as time went on).

In this case, I did a approximate calculation because to do an exact calculation I would have to calculate the APR of the staking for all the SWAP.HIVE tokens and ZING tokens that I put into the pool from the day I put them into the pool.

I simplified the calculation and calculated an estimated gain (in excess) by considering the total ZING tokens and SWAP.HIVE tokens that I put into the pool as if I had staked them all on day one (Nov. 5, 2023) and considered an APR of 12% for HPs and an APR of 50% (much higher than the current 30.48%) for staked ZING tokens.

By staking ZING tokens and HIVE tokens I would have earned +17.67 HIVE and +3601.64 ZING in 101 days of staking whose dollar value is = $23.36

As you can see from the calculations in the table below my choice of investing in the ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool was a better choice even than staking the SWAP.HIVE->HIVE tokens + staking the ZING tokens.


The financial analysis of my investment in the liquidity pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE showed that my choice of becoming a liquidity provider was a right choice financially with respect to holding and also with respect to staking in a time interval of 101 days.

In addition, it was also a good choice to build my Holozing piggy bank because until today I have sold 16519.64 ZING from which I got 342.90 SWAP.HIVE.


In fact, with 342.90 SWAP.HIVE I could buy 21852.39 ZING today.



Holozing Referral Program


To find your Referral Link you need to complete simple steps which you can see graphically in the following two images.



For a limited time and only until the starter packs start selling, you can manually set your referrer account by clicking on Set Referrer


Note that you can only set as your account referrer an account that has registered before you on Holozing.

If you discovered Holozing through one of my posts or simply if you'd like to set me as your Referrer account you can enter my Hive account: @libertycrypto27.


If you are not registered on Holozing you can register using my Referral Link:


I have decided to follow a win-win model for those who:

  • will choose me as their referrer account:
  • will use my referral link to register on Holozing

Throughout the year 2024 I will split the rewards I receive from my referrals 50/50.
If you will be a refferal of mine and I receive $1 as a reward from one of your purchases on Holozing I will send you 50% of my earnings = $0.5.
In each month of 2024 I will note the rewards received and by the end of each month I will send 50% of the rewards I have received to my referrals.

I would like to take this opportunity in this post to thank the 15 Hivers who chose me as their referrer. Thanks a lot! :)


I hope I have given you useful information, I hope you liked my post, and I thank you for taking the time to read this post :)




Holozing Game Site: https://holozing.com?ref=libertycrypto27
Hive Account: @holozing
Founder: @acidyo
Holozing Team: https://whitepaper.holozing.com/the-game/team
Lite Paper: https://whitepaper.holozing.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/holozing
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/holozing/
Discord: https://discord.gg/EGzdV9z8BG
ZING Market: Beeswap - TribalDex - Hive Engine
ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool: https://beeswap.dcity.io/pools?search=zing
Useful Posts:


Important Note


Blockchain-based games that allow people to buy and sell game assets (tokens and NFTs) are not just games but are also investments and should be treated as such!

In any type of investment there is always a risk factor to evaluate and consider.
I am not a financial advisor and the information contained in this post is not financial advice.
Before investing in a blockchain-based game you should always do your own research and personal evaluations.

My advice is to always only invest what you can afford to lose with a light heart!

Unless otherwise indicated, the images in this post are screenshots taken from the sites:


The fonts used in the images related to the calculations and in the images edited by me are Open Source

Images containing formulas, tables and calculations are my property

The dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by me and if you like them you can use them too, the Hive logo is property of https://hive.io/

The animated dividers of Holozing were created by @arc7icwolf



Italian Version copia.jpg


Holozing: Analisi Finanziaria del mio investimento nella Pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE dopo 101 giorni


Sulla blockchain di Hive il numero dei giochi giocabili è in continua crescita ed è anche in continua crescita il numero dei progetti dei giochi in fase di sviluppo.

Sono 6 i progetti dei giochi in fase di sviluppo a cui sono molto interessato e tra questi c'è Holozing che occupa sicuramente un posto importante per me.

Screenshot from: Announcing: Holozing - a roleplaying adventure game

Holozing è nella fase di sviluppo Closed Alpha e in questa fase non è possibile giocare ma è possibile accumulare il token ZING, il token nativo di Holozing, tramite l'acquisto su Hive Engine oppure tramite 3 metodi di distribuzione:

  • ZING staking
  • HP Delegation
  • Liquidity Pool: ZING:SWAP.HIVE


Per lo ZING staking e per la delegazione in HP le ricompense in token ZING vengono distribuite ogni ora ed è possibile fare il claim dalla sezione Rewards del sito di Holozing.


Le ricompense per i liquidity providers vengono invece distribuite ogni 24 ore e i token ZING arrivano direttamente negli Hive Engine wallets dei liquidity providers.


Io utilizzo tutti i metodi per guadagnare i token ZING ma in questo post il mio focus è sulla pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE perchè oggi ho fatto l'analisi finanziaria del mio investimento nella pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE dopo 101 giorni dalla mia prima aggiunta di liquidità e in questo post condivido la mia analisi e i miei risultati finanziari.

L'ultima volta che ho condiviso l'analisi finanziaria del mio investimento nella diesel pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE era il 30 dicembre 2023: Financial Evaluation of My Investment in ZING:SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool after 54 Days!

Se non hai mai investito in una liquidity pool ti consiglio di studiare e di conoscere i meccanismi che governano una liquidity pool prima di investire!

Ho dedicato un mio precedente post ai meccanismi e ai rischi delle liquidity pool che spero possa esserti utile e che puoi leggere cliccando sul link seguente.

Dopo questa piccola e doverosa premessa posso condividere l'analisi del mio investimento nella liquidity pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE in un intervallo di tempo di 101 giorni.

Ho iniziato ad aggiungere liquidità nella pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE il 5 novembre 2023, 101 giorni fa.


Purtroppo non c'è un tool che permette di calcolare in automatico i risultati finanziari di un investimento in una Diesel pool e quindi è necessario prima raccogliere alcuni dati.

Infatti per fare l'analisi finanziaria di un investimento in una liquidity pool hai bisogno delle seguenti informazioni principali:

  • il quantitativo totale della coppia di token che hai aggiunto come liquidità in un determinato intervallo di tempo
  • il quantitativo totale delle rewards che hai ricevuto in un determinato intervallo di tempo
  • il valore di mercato attuale dei tokens che hai aggiunto come liquidità
  • il valore di mercato attuale dei tokens che hai ricevuto come rewards per aver aggiunto liquidità alla pool

Per monitorare tutte le mie operazioni di aggiunta e rimozione di liquidità nelle Diesel Pools utilizzo la sezione Pools->Transactions di TribalDex


Per calcolare il quantitativo totale dei token ZING che ho ricevuto come rewards utilizzo HE Block Explorer


Le fees guadagnate non sono importanti ai fini della valutazione finanziaria perchè vengono aggiunte in automatico alla liquidità nella pool ma possono sempre essere visualizzate nella sezione Pools->Your Positions->Fee Earned di TribalDex


Per fare l'analisi del mio investimento nella pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE ho costruito una tabella in cui ho segnato tutte le operazioni che ho effettuato nell'intervallo di tempo 5 novembre 2023 - oggi 14 febbraio 2024.

E' sicuramente questa l'unica fase più laboriosa e anche un pò noiosa che devi fare se vuoi analizzare un investimento in una liquidity pool.

Fino ad oggi nella pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE ho solo effettuato operazioni di aggiunta di liquidità.
Nella tabella seguente puoi vedere tutte le operazioni che ho effettuato e tutte le ricompense che ho ricevuto fino ad oggi.



Dal 5 novembre 2023 fino ad oggi 14 febbraio 2024 (101 giorni) ho immesso nella pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE:

  • 535.30 SWAP.HIVE
  • 26031.67 ZING

Ho ricevuto un totale di rewards = 20777.61 ZING.


Dopo 101 giorni da liquidity provider ho lo 0.49% dello Share della pool e ho una liquidità uguale a:

  • 29387.329 ZING
  • 458.32427636 SWAP.HIVE


Il mio Share è diminuito a partire dal 18 gennaio perchè ho smesso di aggiungere liquidità alla pool e ho venduto buona parte delle ricompense che ho ricevuto per aumentare la liquidità nel mio Holozing salvadanaio che utilizzerò interamente per acquistare gli starter packs quando la vendita inizierà (non dovrebbe mancare molto tempo).


Nel prospetto seguente puoi vedere:

  • il calcolo del valore che avrei oggi se invece di aggiungere liquidità nella pool avessi scelto l'Holding
  • il valore della mia liquidità attuale nella pool
  • il valore della mia liquidità attuale nella pool + il valore totale delle ricompense in token ZING che ho ricevuto.


In 101 giorni ho aggiunto 535.29 SWAP.HIVE nella pool ma oggi ho 458.32 SWAP.HIVE
In 101 giorni ho aggiunto 26031.67 ZING nella pool ma oggi ho 29387.32 ZING

Se rimuovessi oggi la mia liquidità dalla pool:

  • riceverei un quantitativo di SWAP.HIVE inferiore a quello che ho immesso nella pool
  • riceverei un quantitativo di ZING superiore al quantitativo che ho immesso nella pool

In 101 giorni la mia liquidità ha perso un valore = -8.22$ (= Impermanent Loss)
In 101 giorni ho ricevuto una ricompensa totale = 20777.61 ZING = 102.04$

Se avessi scelto l'Holding oggi avrei un valore = 299.68$
Investendo nella liquidity pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE, grazie alle ricompense in token ZING che ho ricevuto, ho coperto e superato l'impermanent loss e ho anche ottenuto un profitto rispetto all'holding: + 93.82$


La mia analisi però non è completa perchè:

  • i token SWAP.HIVE potevo convertirli in HIVE e poi in Hive Power per ricevere un APR del 10-12% (staking + curation)
  • i token ZING potevo metterli in staking per riceve altri token ZING tramite il claimdrop di Holozing (l'APR è stato dinamico ed è diminuito con il passare del tempo).

In questo caso ho fatto un calcolo approssimativo perchè per fare un calcolo esatto dovrei calcolare l'APR dello staking per tutti i token SWAP.HIVE e i token ZING che ho immesso nella pool a partire dal giorno in cui li ho immessi nella pool.

Ho semplificato il calcolo e ho calcolato un guadagno stimato (in eccesso) considerando il totale dei token ZING e dei token SWAP.HIVE che ho immesso nella pool come se li avessi messi tutti in stake il primo giorno (5 novembre 2023) e ho considerato un APR del 12% per gli HP e un APR del 50% (molto più alto dell'attuale 30.48%) per i token ZING staked.

Con lo staking dei token ZING e dei token HIVE avrei guadagnato +17.67 HIVE e +3601.64 ZING in 101 giorni di staking il cui valore in dollari è = 23.36$

Come puoi vedere dai calcoli nel prospetto seguente la mia scelta di investire nella pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE è stata una scelta migliore anche rispetto allo staking dei token SWAP.HIVE->HIVE + lo staking dei token ZING.


L'analisi finanziaria del mio investimento nella liquidity pool ZING:SWAP.HIVE ha mostrato che la mia scelta di diventare un liquidity provider è stata una scelta giusta dal punto di vista finanziario rispetto all'holding e anche rispetto allo staking in un intervallo di tempo di 101 giorni.

Inoltre è stata una buona scelta anche la costruzione del mio Holozing salvadanaio perchè fino ad oggi ho venduto 16519.64 ZING da cui ho ottenuto 342.90 SWAP.HIVE.


Infatti con 342.90 SWAP.HIVE potrei acquistare oggi 21852.39 ZING



Holozing Referral Program


Il 23 gennaio 2024 è stato attivato il Referral Program di Holozing: Referral Program is live!

Per trovare il tuo Referral Link devi effettuare dei semplici passi che puoi vedere graficamente nelle due immagini seguenti.


Per un tempo limitato e solo fino all'inizio della vendita degli starter packs puoi settare manualmente il tuo referrer account cliccando su Set Referrer


Nota che puoi settare come tuo referrer account solo un account che si è registrato prima di te su Holozing.

Se hai scoperto Holozing grazie a uno dei miei post o semplicemente se hai piacere a mettere me come tuo Referrer account puoi inserire il mio Hive account: @libertycrypto27.


Se non sei registrato su Holozing puoi registrarti utilizzando il mio Referral Link:


Ho deciso di seguire un modello win-win per chi:

  • sceglierà me come referrer account:
  • utilizzerà il mio referral link per registrarsi su Holozing

Per tutto l'anno 2024 dividerò le ricompense che riceverò dai miei referrals al 50%
Se sarai un mio refferal e io riceverò 1$ come ricompensa da un tuo acquisto su Holozing io ti invierò il 50% del mio guadagno = 0.5$.
In ogni mese del 2024 annoterò le ricompense ricevute e entro la fine di ogni mese invierò il 50% delle ricompense che avrò ricevuto ai miei referrals.

Ringrazio i 15 Hivers che mi hanno scelto come referrer. Thanks a lot! :)


Spero di averti dato informazioni utili, spero che il mio post ti sia piaciuto e ti ringrazio per aver dedicato il tuo tempo alla lettura di questo post :)




Holozing Game Site: https://holozing.com?ref=libertycrypto27
Hive Account: @holozing
Founder: @acidyo
Holozing Team: https://whitepaper.holozing.com/the-game/team
Lite Paper: https://whitepaper.holozing.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/holozing
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/holozing/
Discord: https://discord.gg/EGzdV9z8BG
ZING Market: Beeswap - TribalDex - Hive Engine
ZING:SWAP.HIVE pool: https://beeswap.dcity.io/pools?search=zing
Useful Posts:


Nota Importante


I giochi basati su blockchain che permettono di acquistare e vendere assets (NFTs e tokens) non sono solo giochi ma sono anche investimenti e come tali devono essere trattati!

In ogni tipologia di investimento c'è sempre un fattore di rischio da valutare e considerare.
Io non sono un consulente finanziario e le informazioni contenute in questo post non sono consigli finanziari
Prima di investire in un gioco basato su blockchain devi sempre fare le tue ricerche e le tue personali valutazioni.

Il mio consiglio è di investire sempre e soltanto quello che puoi permetterti di perdere a cuor leggero!

Se non diversamente indicato, le immagini presenti in questo post sono screenshots presi dai siti:


Le immagini che contengono formule, tabelle e calcoli sono di mia proprietà

Il font usato nelle immagini relative ai calcoli e nelle immagini da me editate è Open Source

The dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by me and if you like them you can use them too, the Hive logo is property of https://hive.io/

The animated dividers of Holozing were created by @arc7icwolf



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Between comings and goings, I delegated 1k HP and I'm playing whenever there's a bit in the pool too, but it's pretty basic. Your analysis is amazing as always!

Thanks for sharing!


Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
Because he always has a great fall!

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

thanks a lot my friend

La pazienza e precisione con cui tieni traccia dei tuoi investimenti fa quasi paura 😅 impressionante come sempre! E poi che numeri da capogiro! Sono contento però per una volta di essere riuscito a seguire "abbastanza" le tue orme, per cui stavolta leggo questi dati con un doppio piacere: quello che provo per il successo della tua strategia... e quello che provo per la buona riuscita dei miei goffi piani mentre cerco di tirare su anch'io qualche guadagno ahahaha

!hiqvote (ma forse l'ho già usato stamani sull'altro post che hai pubblicato? non mi ricordo se era ieri o oggi !LOL ) !PGM

Contento che anche tu hai seguito una buona strategia e stai ottenendo dei buoni risultati
Il bello è che ogni nuovo progetto, airdrop, ecc. ecc. aggiunge esperienza e quindi fra qualche tempo saremo entrambi super esperti e sapremo come muoverci sempre meglio ;)

Mi basterebbe avvicinarmi prima o poi alla tua di esperienza ahahahah (quella che hai adesso, perché tra qualche anno te nel mentre avrai invece raggiunto livelli ancora più alti!).

Comunque sono contento che almeno ora ci capisco qualcosa di più (poco eh! Ahahah) e, soprattutto, che ogni tanto posso confrontarmi con te e imparare ancora più velocemente :)


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 7


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Seagulls were God's third attempt at creating birds.
The A-gull and B-gull weren't quite right.

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

arc7icwolf, libertycrypto27 sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

@arc7icwolf, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/1) but the daily limit has been reached. Try again later.

In addition, @libertycrypto27 gets !LOL from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

You are out of jokes for the day!

@hiq.smartbot you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 8 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 6


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

What do you do with a car whose wheels are completely worn out?
You re-tire it.

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf



What a long post! It has diverse analysis in the contents. I couldn't endure to finish reading, but it a good one.

Yes this post a bit long, you are right :) but the topic is not simple and requires many examples and explanations for those who have never invested in a liquidity pool
Thanks for the comment

uyoho, libertycrypto27 sent you LUV. 🙂 (4/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Hola, muy interesante información entiendo muy poco pero estoy interesado en aprender podrías guiarme,? Estoy tratando de unirme a holozing con tu enlace de referidos pero me dice que no puedo que active key chain, estoy desde mi dispositivo móvil pero no encuentro donde colocar la key chain???

Hola @cositav y perdón por la respuesta tardía
Para acceder a las apps de Hive necesitas descargar y usar Hive Keychain que puedes encontrar en esta dirección: https://hive-keychain.com/

Para utilizar Hive Keychain puedes seguir este tutorial: https://support.splinterlands.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412500061588-Hive-Keychain-Installation-and-Usage

Ok, voy....estoy interesada en toda la información que puedas brindarme. Quiero iniciarme al igual que mi hija que también está interesada pero me inicio yo y después mi hija .quiero aprender antes. Revisaré la información y te mantendré al tanto.gracias

That is a decent amount of profit and the IL wasn't that large. You definitely were a winner as the price of ZING was more or less stable.

Yes the IL has also decreased since my previous report. The long stability of the ZING token has allowed me to make a really good profit, and selling some of the ZING tokens will allow me to zero out any risk in future scenarios ;)

@tipu curate 2

Grazie mille per il supporto


This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @shiftrox! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.leo
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.cent
- @dhedge.oneup

@shiftrox has 6 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at app.dhedge.cc.


@libertycrypto27 has already received an upvote for this post. You still have 5.0 vote calls available today.

Fantastic post King @libertycrypto27, bitcoinflood(1/6) is blown away by the dedication you put into writing this post. Your hard work and dedication is truly appreciated.

Wow, this post is truly amazing! As a reward, @bitcoinflood has sent you 50.0 BUDS. Keep up the great work!

BTW! BUDS is the token of the hashkings ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!

@libertycrypto27! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ bitcoinflood. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Keep up the great work King @bitcoinflood, libertycrypto27(1/6) is impressed by the thought and consideration you put into this post. Your work is truly appreciated.

In fact @libertycrypto27 has given you 50.0 BUDS! You can find it in your hive-engine wallet! We hope you enjoy it a lot!

BTW! BUDS is the token of the hashkings ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!

@bitcoinflood! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ libertycrypto27. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
curation-cartel tipped libertycrypto27
bitcoinflood tipped libertycrypto27
@libertycrypto27(15/15) tipped @arc7icwolf
libertycrypto27 tipped robibasa


You have received a 1UP from @bitcoinflood!

The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
@oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @thg-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @cent-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕.

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 1


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

If you ever get the chance to go to India
You have to try their New Delhi

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gameexp

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

By staking we also get profit and the project also gets a lot of support due to which the prices see a lot of growth in the near future.

Yes this is an interesting project with a lot of potential!