Fanart of Forest Healer holding a Flower

hello friend how are you. I hope you are not doing well. After a long time I am making a fanart in Holozing. I just started with the huge confidence and expectations that I will do something special but when I opened my poster colours oh my God. These were brand new colours that I have not used before this time but when I open them I was so so 10th that these were totally damaged and harsh colours. Like literally the shopkeeper cheated me on this thing. But I was them what can I do.

Things I used

Poster colors


Sketch book




First of all I open my SketchBook and started to draw a face. It was a forest healer. Which was holding a flower in her hand.

So here Its face and hairs on its had. And then I started to draw its body which take some time because of some complexity.

Here I draw her hand and arm. Also droids eyes and nose and its lips. So I added some details in its ways and its all body and sketch was ready.

It was so simple so I think I must do something special. So I hold a flower in her hand and not was looking perfect.

Now started to do colours. I used yellow and green colour and make a parrot shade. Then I apply it in her hairs.

Again I have not skin shade so I used orange and white shade to mega skin tone. So I applied in IT face internet and also on arm.

After that I used green colour and applied in flower and also in her hairs details.

Hair I feel dates eyes and it was ready. Now I used black marker to give it's outline. And it was most satisfying and also daring task. But I did it.

Final look

I hope you will like my fan art. Thanks to the community which is providing us this opportunity. Don't forget to give me a feedback. Allah Hafiz. Take care.

Thanks for watching 🙂 💕
Keep smiling 😊 😍