Fanart of ocean healer

Hello guys I am here again in this community and my this post it for the fan art of Holozing recently I considered again why not make another digital art of ocean healer who has a dark colour and long ponytail I love the character special ocean healer and the forest Hitler I have recently made many fan hours of them and here is another art I have made for this below I have explained the overall process that how I made this beautiful art I have to guess your love this don't forget to give your suggestion below I am looking forward to it.


  • In the first step with the help of thick black brush I have made the overall rough sketch of the drawing it doesn't look a lot of time as once you have put the reference on a side that what kind of pose you are going to make it will be very convenient for you just need to freely call the brush on the screen the real hardware is in refining it and turning it into linear art.
  • As I have already told that the line art is the most difficult steps making any digital art because in the rough sketch it is very easy that you can scroll your pen on the screen anywhere but when you are making line art you have to be precise there should not be whole ever area removed in between lines otherwise it will be a huge mess.

    Now it is time to colour it
  • Like always I have use the bucket told to fill colours on the overall body with the help of an eye dropper tool I have choose the colour from the chromatic circulates are required to paint and then easily put it inside it they have most hardware cause done on the shading and highlighting.
  • At first I started giving highlight and the way I started colouring it was from the eyes first I gave details to the eyes like I made the Iris that reflection the dark and light area of the eyes and then I colour the air ban of the character.
  • Also I would like to mention it that I have recently learnt this art and I have tried to learn another tool which is very convenient I have started learning that how to use lasso tool in colouring in shading and erasing and it is very convenient like very convenient I was always using brushes for shading and I love it now.
  • Now it is time to give some dark and light highlights to the skin I have was the character that it is looking to sky and running to a date and her mouth is also open the colours which I have used to give highlight this kind are dark brown and Golden skin colour which I have only on her shoulder.

    Time to paint hairs
  • You guys would not believe that what I did at the stage I was so much confused that how to paint the hairs and I was just thinking and sitting that what could I do to hear and it all most consume and hour to paint the hair like I made a lot of mistakes while colouring it but I have some of managed to and it up like this.
  • At the end I just gave a light to the earring which is flying in the air I did it with the help of an airbrush and the layer which I have used for making it is called add layer.

    Final look
    That's it guys this was all for today's article I hope you guys might have enjoyed it don't forget to give your suggestion below in the comment section that you do like in my art or not below have uploaded the original art of the game you next time.

    Original Holozing art

You have make yourself very perfect in digital art. Wow.