Ocean healer splashing water | Fanart

Hello guys I am here again in this community after a few days and this time I am again making a very beautiful and fascinating digital art of the ocean healer actually recently I saw a very beautiful and fascinating digital Art on a an art website and I was so much that fascinated after seeing this that I couldn't hold myself to draw it here and it was pretty 😍 similar with the ocean healer of the holozing community that's why I have made a very beautiful and fascinating drawing below I have explained the overall procedure I hope you guys would love this.


  • Now let's start and talk about the procedure that how I made this beautiful drawing in the first step like always I have used a very thick black brush for making the rough sketch of the drawing this time I have not added the hair band which include nails and pearl as this time I have updated everything and I think now I didn't looking for better as it was a very hurdle to draw that hair ban.
  • After making the rough sketch now it is time to turn this rough touch into line art this was the most time consuming thing I think as in rough catch you can draw in a free hand but when you have to turn it into line art required a lot of struggle and delicate work.
  • After making the line art now it come the main work which is colouring like always I started colouring it with the help of a bucket tool it is very convenient when you use bucket tool for basic colour I have same that a lot of artist don't use bucket tool they use selection layer and breast tools for starting the base colour but I don't do that.
  • After colouring the skin actually I have use a very dark tunnel or funny colour as the character is standing directly in the sunlight on the beach and that's why I have choose dark colours for the skin and dark colours for the overall drawing even though I have changed the colour of drawing at the stage I thought why not to make it original colours which is great but later I realize that it was grey colour has not ab good reputation on chromatic circle so I choose blue and black as it also symbolise the ocean.
  • For colouring the background I have choose blue or sky blue colour as it is a sunny day so I have to sky blue colour and in the lower images you will found that I have added allot more details to the back ground.
  • Finally now it is time to give details to each section and this is the main work while making any kind of digital art and as you know that my style starting from I then skin then clothes and then finally hears as for me here is required a lot of time a computer and other thing as well not use to making hair so I started colouring from the eyes.

  • After completely making the eye now it was time to colour this game I use selection tool layer at this stage as it was convenient to draw I choose King on selection layer and then I painted blendly with the help of airbrush I have choose funny brown colour or golden colour to make it a reflection on the overall body.
  • You might be confused that this character is not really similar to the original game of character like this time I have changed my mind and I have make freely trying and the clothes first I draw them in the original colour which is purple but it was looking so much bold and weird so I choose this Sky Blue Ocean colour for making the clothes and also there are lot of reflection I have given it with the help of fade brush.

    Now it's time to paint the hands
  • The remaining steps which you have seen I did it yesterday evening and the steps which are shown below I am making it since this morning when I woke up I painted the hand in the morning actually I was so much exhausted last night but the colours which I have used to make the hand or looking so much relative that after making it I was not even myself that I have made this.
  • After making the hands now it was time to colour the background or add some details in the background I have add very random colours from chromatic circle in the background and and so sorry that I forgot to blur it at the end but yeah it is looking fine as the brush I have used in itself was very black and blue colour.
  • This was as a set before most confusing thing while making the drawing the hairs require plenty of colourful strokes like grey blue white and other and somewhere I have to think the brush thumbs up with happy the brush changing the layer that's why the real match while making the drawing but the ending result was working.
  • You might be thinking that what I did at this stage for those people who are not aware of this that I have found a new strategy which is the on YouTube recently you can add random colours on this screen and then with the help of a filter it will change them into a water splash.
  • In the last that I added of you highlights with the help of another layer called add I added some brightness some other tiny details to the overall figure and then it was looking a lot more better than it was before I hope you guys would love this below is the final look.

    That's it guys this was all for today's article I hope you guys might have enjoyed it don't forget to give your suggestion below in the current section that did you like this drawing or not see you next time.

The effect with the water is my favorite part, it looked so cool, it looks like the real thing, great job!

Good enough


Wao que bonito quedó. Adore el efecto del agua, quedó genial.