Water Healer Holozing

in Holozing Community10 months ago

Greetings dear hive community, the portrait I made today is inspired by a male water healer character from Holozing with a slightly more childish appearance. I wanted to make a portrait with a more childlike structure and with a different skin complexion to vary it a bit. little more the portrait and for the elaboration I also followed my usual structure, clear pencil sketch, thick outline and digital painting, and some touch-ups to raise its quality, until the next portrait.Saludos querida comunidad de hive, el retrato que hoy he realizado esta inspirado en un personaje healer del agua masculino de Holozing con un aspecto un poco mas infantil, he querido hacer un retrato con una estructura mas infantil y con otra tez de piel para variar un poco mas el retrato y para la elaboracion tambien segui mi estructura habitual, boceto claro a lapiz, delineado grueso y pintura digital, y algunos retoques para elevar su calidad , hasta el proximo retrato.





Used MaterialsMateriales Usados
- White Acrylic, Pencil, EraserAcrílico Blanco, Lapiz, Borrador

Thank you very much for your support



$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/10) @danzocal tipped @papaleta