Observing A forest female healer.

Hello, happy Sunday guys, So I decided to have fun with my system as pick up an inspiration from a forest female healer who's bathing and I decided to name this one as Don't look on a forest female healer because she is bathing and you are now staring at her hence her cold look. She looks angry, right.

As you can see, this is an expression study. The artwork is pretty basic. I concentrated mostly on the face here. Well, maybe I put some effort into painting her hair as well. Never painted a green haired girl before so I really wanted to see how it turns out.

Afcourse you can but the only problem is it won't be much flexible as painting them on seperate layers. I sincerely hope your drawing software supports liquify tool, without it we might have to depend on perspective and mesh form. It's doable but it's a hassle. Regardless, you can still master it over time if you don't have liquify available. So for this painting I did the same steps I mentioned here and moved the eye brows up, down sideways etc. It's fun to see how the painting becomes more alive once the emotions kick in. I started with a happy expression but later changed to a cold stare. Why? Because I haven't done this before. Same thing I did with the lips as well. Pulled it slightly inwards to vanish any smile left to amplify the cold stare. This is something that every artist should try once in a while. It's a fun experiment and who knows, maybe it will improve the painting was well.

As for the painting part. I found a reference image of a girl in a pond from Pinterest. Then I made a sketch on my book and again on app. I decided to paint her skin in light brown. I decided to paint the eyes blue because of the complementing factor there. I experimented with the eyes a bit by adding some strokes of red and yellow in there. That seems to be working I think. I painted her hair brown at first but later changed to green because of her character and the forest. I didn't rely on the reference image while painting the water here, This was done because I had plans to add focus blur towards the face at the end so anything surrounding her didn't matter because the study was about expression afterall. Although I did paint some branches on here and there and applied moving blur in it as well. I didn't want to make the surrounding look that much empty so it has to be done. But seriously though, don't look at a bathing body 🤣🤣.


Nice! That's my content right there. You even copied most of my blog 👏👏. My signature is under that artwork as well lol. Smart move man 😂.


Thanks. Muting the account.

Nice 👍

It's amazing how far people will go for a vote. It's so bad that I won't even delete your signature XD!

Dear @solumviz @jijisaurart @splintercell-01 @hivewatchers @kstreet and the Holozing community,

I want to sincerely apologize for copying artwork from @solumviz without his permission. I understand that this was wrong and I take full responsibility for my actions. I am new to this community and I am still learning the proper etiquette and guidelines for sharing and creating content.

I deeply regret my mistake and I assure you that it will not happen again. I hope to use this medium to reached out to @solumviz to apologize personally and to make amends for my actions. I hope that you can forgive me and understand that I am committed to learning from this experience and becoming a better member of the community.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

I think you forgot to edit @Solumviz's signature. 😆

Haha another dummy account?

Source of art theft


Plagiarism is the copying & pasting of others' work without giving credit to the original author or artist.
We would appreciate it if you could avoid plagiarism of content (full or partial texts, videos, photography, art, etc.).

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