Miu Inspired by HoloZing

Hello everyone
Hope everyone is well. Today i am gointo make Miu with leather. Simply Miu is like a cat. And the picture is in front view. So i am going to make it with full body. I know its much difficult. Bt also easy because i know the Basic. Well face is same bt structher i creat. Lets see...

What i need

  1. Pencil
  2. Lether
  3. Gum
  4. Paper
  5. Anti cutter
  6. Black pen


At first i take a paper. And draw Miu. Ibam using pencil.

Now using anti-cutter to cut this drawing

Now I am attesting this cutting paper to a leather

Using anti-cutter to cut this any perfect shape

Now time to use gum. so I am using gum in a border side of this both pieces

Attached both of Pieces perfectly

Now I am drawing it's eyes and mouth nose. I am using Marker Pen to fix it.


Now using cotton I am using cotton to inside it to make it perfect

Finally at the gap area with gum

Adding a small piece of leather as like hanger. so we can use it as a key ring

Finally tie hook pink colour with paper

Well I am always trying to make everything in my personal way but I am teking help from YouTube and others website. Thanks to #holozing community

Thanks for your time

You Can find me in





Discord : #ridoykhan22#0033



Well, to some extent it seems like the miu. And yes, it is cute..

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