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RE: Healing Gloves and Capture Device & Ammo reveal!

owh i see. that means only epic / legendary would be sought out after if u want to be the best. or should i say like 85-100%

Interesting I guess will have to wait and play and see how it goes then :D

also will creatures have passive abilities unique to them and maybe a pool of different unique abilities . u know like how blastoise has torrent.


There will be passive talents for creatures and healers yes, Miu's for instance is that he's extra resistant to poison and diseases.

There will be passive talents for creatures and healers yes, Miu's for instance is that he's extra resistant to poison and diseases.

When can we actually see all this on one like one webiste. Will there be a wiki or database to see everything available and min-max stats and passive talents etc?

Something like this or would this need to be made by community x.x

Yes of course, this data will be provided for players and something they'll be able to read and learn when they start capturing creatures. Still some time off before we start implementing them on the website.

that sounds great! sorry for bombarding you with so many questions. hopefully others can take a look at the comments here if they are interested in what i asked. I will stop here for today :P will come back once i see more reveals and i have more questions to ask

any time! It's no rush though, we will definitely make everything clear in time come open alpha and beta.