Holozing Fanart - Draw a GLACION

in Holozing Community • last month

step 7.jpg

Hello Guys

Hope you all are well😇

Today I am showing you one of my another beautiful art.

I drew today the GLACION that I tried to express this art in an like Legendary. I have tried to depict it in a very beautiful way, hope you will like my drawing.

Reference picture


Today's art I wanted to present a different kind of look, want to show this art how to make an art more beautiful so that people can feel it. I have tried to highlight both the anger and the beauty of GLACION here.

I hope you like my art.

I share with you how I drew it so beautifully and gracefully

Step 1


step 1.jpg

Step 2

step 2.jpg

Step 3

After drawing the outline, I added light Blue color to bring out the beauty in this art.

step 3.jpg

Step 4

Then I added Black color.😊

step 4.jpg

Step 5

Then we determine the shade of the art by coloring the entire body of the drawing😃

step 5.jpg

Step 6

Redraw outline with pen.

step 6.jpg

Final Step

Finally I beautify the art by showing the full color and color reflections in the art .

step 7.jpg

"Thank you for your time and consideration. Best wishes to all as we move forward together."
Best wishes to all

Thank You All🥰