Larvie in girl version

Hello peeps!

The weeks seems to pass like a glimpse of second and here am I again before yiu with my another #holozing chracter. Usually I sketch forest heaker ,zingu and cinella in many versions. Xolo is also my favourite.But tgis week I didn’t want to sketch them and tried to find a new character. After searching and seeing many chracters I reached ti larvie which was not attempted by many users so I tried to use my skills in it.

Larvie was miniscule character . And drawing it as it is will not be interesting so I made it in girl version. By giving a humanoid shape to larvie, my actual target was to take care of its own features as well so here is my attempt.


First of all, I made the face. I gave the character a face of a young girl with innocence on face as larvie is premature organism so that was motive behind giving it a shape of a baby girl. With four eyes i.e two larvie eyes just over head and two humanoid eyes ,the basic shape to face was given and rest was done by lips ,nose and hair.

Now the next decision was whether I want it in human version overall or keep its larva look intact,so I instead of giving human like body,outlined it like shape of karvei with many scales.

After completing my outline,I cokoured my character. As tge original character was green. So i coloured it in the same colour although I used different shades of it.
