Hello, how are you? Continuing with the series, the next ones on the list are these two characters. I hadn't done anything with one of them.... It seems like a rather cute creature, so I wanted to use it as a reference.

I followed the steps from the previous drawing, meaning I followed my friend's advice, although I made some small modifications, especially with the shadows and lights, which are less strong, so to speak. I also experimented with the eyes in this case, as I've been trying a couple of things, and it seems they look better without the black borders.
This would be the combination I used for this idea, the characters and the emoji.I've left some pictures so you can see the process; I'm still learning, and in the end, I don't know if the first one looks like the last one (in style), but that would be good, even though the stickers don't look much alike haha. I would learn to do these kinds of drawings that are complicated for me. I hope it takes less time.

I started this drawing by sketching out the idea with a simple, not perfect sketch, but I'll fix it later. I liked this combination of characters.
In this step, I focused on creating the line art. As I progressed, I fixed the lines because they were strange in the previous step. I used the pen tool to make the lines a bit more perfect.
After having the lines ready, I moved on to coloring, using the base colors for each character as reference. I placed them here, for the girl and the jacket. I was happy with the lines; they're decent.
There were still some things left to do, but to continue with the coloring stage, I needed to add more volume with some shadows.
I made some progress on the eyes and tiara since I hadn't done anything there until now. Also, I added some lighter tones to add some illumination to the rest.
In this step, there weren't many drastic changes, but I did add some small details to the hair and other parts.

I had, or well, I have a problem with the eyes because making the eyes of a drawing like this is endless, and you can add so many things or adding too much isn't the best, I don't know, it's a whole dilemma. The truth is, more time passes there, looking for what the best design was.
Thank you very much for taking the time to view my work.

Beautiful 😍😍
Thank you
cuteeeeeee, muy tierno y adorable me encanta😍
Thank you dear 🤩😍😍😍
I personally liked your character a lot, it's very original!
Another combination that fills me with tenderness!!!! Those little eyes are precious and their sparkle even more so. Beautiful colours!😍
I love seeing how you create the work step by step, the realism you give to their eyes is beautiful
Beautiful work, I love ithello @yanes94