Holozing Curation Compilation #211
Welcome to this issue of Holozing Curation Compilation!
Hello everyone!
This is our curation effort that aims to curate posts that are shared in the Holozing community. These posts highlighted are the finest content that our Holozing curators submit for curation. We also encourage you to visit these blogs and show these great Holozingers your support and encouragement. Engagement is what makes the community thrive, so we hope that you are taking the time to visit each other's posts.

Author: @emja
Curator: @kstreet
Great drawing as usual. Noticing a theme, and hope you are doing ok!

Hello friends, how are you, I hope you are very well. Today I want to show you my new drawing for Holozing, which is about a feeling of loneliness, in which our character is sitting looking at his birthday cake while singing the birthday song, in which there is no one else, just a portrait of one of my previous drawings as to show that he had a friend, but for some reason he is not accompanying her.

Author: @jorgelissanchez
Curator: @kstreet
Well made!

Hello good evening have all my friends readers and content creators of the holozing community, I hope you are well, today I want to share an organizer what I made in honor of the accessories of the ocean healer, using useful materials and similar to the original design how (Sea shell and long shells), is very useful and practical friends.

Author: @julsdraws
Curator: @kstreet
Love the crazy hair!

Good Day Holozing and Hive, I'm glad to be back and finally draw another Holozing fanart, my back is aching almost every day since there is tons of work to do right now but doing some artwork is one of my stress reliever. I wanted to create healers x holos versions since most of my art here on holozing were interactions between healers and holos so why not do healer versions of holozing monsters instead and with that I wanted to show you guys the M1u m1u m1u female light healer. Anyway without further delay right down below is my art process.

Author: @alarconzeu
Curator: @kstreet
Great work on the colors and shading!

Hi guys!
This time I decided to draw the water healer in an urban fashion. I used a photo from Pinterest as a reference. And I painted first with flat colors, then I made a single-color background and placed the Holozing logo, then I added more volume to the drawing with light and shadows and finally I added some bubbles on top. This is how it turned out. I hope you like it!

Author: @catrynart
Curator: @kstreet
Amazing job!

Hello Holozing friends, I hope you are all well and I wish you a nice evening, I am here again with you with this mini chibi representation for the dragon creatures. This style makes me clear my mind a little bit to refresh myself and create again the style that I like and share with you and it is also giving me a lot of pleasure to continue with this mini chibi style. And today, I'm participating again with the Grass Type, making a more feminine and tender idea of this dragon base. I hope you like it, I made some small changes and also worked a little more on the outline, shadows and glows using more tools and options of the program. Enjoy it.

Author: @ibarra95
Curator: @kstreet
Good job!

Hello, happy evening everyone. I hope you are well and are having a nice start of the week, today I come to present the full development of my fanart drawing inspired by the cat "M1U", in combination with the Healer of Light of the video game play to earn Holozing.
I appreciated to give an own representation to the illustration without changing the characteristics of the original drawing, I did it in a traditional way with colored pencils on cardboard, the result I liked a lot and I hope you like it too and enjoy it. join me! 🤗

Author: @masummim50
Curator: @kstreet

Hello everyone, in holozing community, how are you all today? i hope everyone is having a great day.
Last time i made an anime style drawing of the forest healer with grass dragon. So to cleanse my drawing palette this time i made a portrat drawing of female light healer in my regular style that i normally draw.

Author: @karoly
Curator: @kstreet
Nice ice tears!

Hello to all the @Holozing community! It's a keep recreating and sharing with you my paper creations. I hope you are all well. I wish you lots of good vibes and immense brainstorming, to be able to contemplate each and every one of your digital, manual, etc. ingenuities.

Author: @oscurocactus
Curator: @kstreet
Good work!

Hello beautiful people! I hope you're all doing great and if you're not, you will be soon! I drew a new fan art of the Oceania Healer, male line art style, because lately I have not had so much time to make more elaborate drawings, which saddens me a little, but I will have the time to do it. I leave you with the process of this drawing and I hope you like it.

Author: @solumviz
Curator: @kstreet
Excellent and love the earth symbol, too!

Made a new artwork today. I thought I should show some love to Larvie this time. The idea was to place the characters in a forest because of obvious reasons. I rarely see Larvie artworks here since the reveal so I believe it's time to place him in the canvas again. I think this is the second time I'm drawing larvie. The lineart came out better than the last one so I was quite excited to paint her haha. This is how it turned out so I hope you guys like it :)

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Huge thanks to @kstreet and the wonderful team at @holozing.
you're welcome!
Thanks you @kstreet and @holozing @zingtoken 👏😊
Que grandiosos post y arte que encontramos acá e Holozing!!
Saludos a todos y felíz cumpleaños @emja espero que tu regalo sea un buen @holozing ! 💎❤️