That’s true, and perhaps I will sooner than I expect…although with no. 3 on the way, I’m gonna have my hands full for a bit.
Our friend group is all marines though actually, they are the parents and friend group/unit of our oldest daughters friend from school. It’s been really nice going to functions like birthday parties and bbqs and stuff, talking shit or whatever and watch our kids romp around together. Even though I was army, there’s still a common bond that I never thought I would feel when I was ETS-ing.
That is good. I am glad you got those folks to hang with and just yap with if needed.
Yeah man exactly right lol - it’s nice even when we don’t talk about service related stuff, just to have some friends with a semi-common background. Mostly we talk about rising taxes and raising kids in the current political environment lol - but I can always feel that our common background somehow does affect the vibe. It’s nice to connect after all hahaha - even like here with you and Wes also. Never thought I’d want that, but I guess my dad knows a thing or two after all
Just old vets looking out brother