Welcome back my friend, thanks for visiting! 😊
Thank you very much, the squirrels and chipmunks are usually pretty friendly here, though some are a bit more skittish than others, but we're blessed with a few that will eat right out of our hands or while they're sitting on our laps, which we think is very neat indeed. 😊
We are growing regular Red, Yellow, Orange, and Green Bell peppers; which is all we usually plant, but this year we're also trying a few other types...Rainbow Blend, Mini Bell, Sweetie Snack Mix and one other one...on the sweet pepper side...but I can't recall what it is right this second. This year we've also planted some spicy peppers...Jalapeno's, Hungarian Wax, Gusto Italia, Wicked Ghost, Something Chili...oh dang memory isn't what it used to be...I'm sorry, let me get back to you on the other names. Yum, grilled peppers...I've never heard of Shishito peppers before, I'll have to look them up. 😊
Thank you, we think so too. We call it our slice of heaven on earth. We've been very blessed to be able to live here, for sure. 😊
Thank you for the tip as well. It is much appreciated. 😊
God bless you and yours. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊
The Wicked Ghosts are great! But very hot just so you're warned!
I've heard that, there are a few out there that are solely for helping deworm chickens, not for us to eat, though we might try some of them in small quantities, just to see how hot they are...okay maybe not me, but my handsome husband will try a few. LOL! 😊