The chicks have wing feathers! Amazing how quickly it happens. The heart in the flour is cool. Last night I saw 2 turkeys out on the back 40 and went and got the camera. But they had gotten too far back. They are the first turkeys I have seen 8n years here on the farm.
I didn’t remember you had goldfish. Did they winter over in the pond? Hope you had a grand time at the potluck. Still waiting for Half Penny to put in an appearance.
Welcome back, lovely lady, thanks for visiting! 😊
Yes, they do, and they're so cute with their feathers...we're still waiting for their final colourings to come through. They're going to be quite pretty, I think, of course, I'm a bit bias. 😊
The Goldfish overwinter in the pond every year. We've had them for quite a few years now...can't recall the exact amount, but over five years old, at least, maybe more...since we've bought any. We were worried the year we had the drought, but they survived and are thriving quite nicely. I think they are the reason we get the heron/crane visiting each year, too. 😊
Half-Penny and the rest of the boys, usually come back visiting mid-to-end of May. The ladies started coming around a couple of weeks ago, but they're still too skittish to get a good enough look at them, to be sure who's who. Once we see Half-Penny's mate Nacho coming over, than we know we have about two weeks before we see Half-Penny again. I'll let you know, as soon as we see them. 😊
Oh, my, the wind blew the old chicken coop door. I've got to go and make sure it gets closed and secured , so it doesn't get broken off. Chat with you again soon! 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊