As a U.S. Vet... Hmmm....
You know, it's a funny thing, from My point of view...
The U.S. does not feel it has done enough for it's Vets,
I agree...
However the Vets of today, get Much, MUCH More than us
Vietnam & Vietnam era Vets get - from anywhere!
And actually...
They have been writing our benefits - "Steady" for the last
20 years. Since we are becoming a dwindling group, I hope someone - somewhere can find a way to help us.
If those still around, there is a "Much" larger than expected population of homeless, etc...
Excellent focus group man, duly noted.
I mean I normally say nothing..
But if a Veteran's thing comes up in any way,
I feel it's my duty to bring it up...
It's another funny thing...
I enlisted at 16, and was out of the country by 17,
I look around at the U.S. today...
I really don't think many could handle it...
Anyways, Thanks again!
Awesome Week to You and Yours!