Love The Clouds From High Above.

Clouds have so many beautiful formation , shapes and sizes and almost all look like someone or something they are always intriguing to look at no matter from what even angle you are looking at them they always appear as a beautiful painting in the sky changing like a slide show by the second. I caught these clouds up high when i was flying back from Surat Thani province last week in Thailand it's really astonishing seeing the clouds from above some just look like a soft white bed you want to just lay on or jump on and flying through clouds is like going through dreamland unknown.





On this day flying back to Bangkok city from Surat Thani province was a beautiful clean day you could see the houses and farm lands they look so tiny and neatly side by side from up here it really is amazing what a beautiful world we live in when you look down at it from up here 😊






#lovetheclouds hosted by @tobetada





Seeing the world from the top is a wonderful experience for sure!

Thank you @gabrielatravels i found it fascinating as a kid and i still do today i love clouds 😊

I miss flying! :) Great photos. When I was child, making clouds look like things was my biggest hobby. :)

Thank you @ssygmr clouds were always fascinating to me as a kid and they still are today well we can fly domestic but not international yet 😊

how are you dear friend @ bigsambucca
What impressive photographs, I think I am in front of one of the finalists. much success dear friend

Amazing shots and beautiful clouds and views, sis. I love taking photo everytime flying as well. Really miss flying now, I havent been on plane since March 😐

Sorry for late reply sis i have been very busy with things in general ...yeah i am the same i always try to get a window seat been a mad photographer i love to observe what's going on out there.

I will be taking a couple of domestic flights next week so hopefully the clouds will be nice looking for me 😁