So I would love to #vote / #nominate @thethoughtpolice for #1, @calisto24 for #2, then @eolianpariah for #3 and mentions to @esthersanchez for the beautiful sunset image, @jlufer for those cloouds over the bridge and @haastrecht for the amazing beach scenes, but I would like to #congratulate everyone on recognising such outstanding beauty and sharing them here with us!
As far as I am concerned, you are all #winners! 😀
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Thank you :D
No worries @haastrecht !
Your beach scenes are truly stunning- the overall image, rather than just the clouds, so if you don't mind, I am going to cross post them into a photography community instead....😃
I see that you did something, that's the first time i se a cross post. Learning every day!
Yes, I always forget to cross post myself- when infact it's just the same as sharing in facebook- which I always do without thought, the difference is, in FB, you just hit the share button (unless you want it to go to a specific place) but as far as I can tell here, every time you share (crosspost) you have to decide which community it fits into and think of an introduction for it, so it's not as 'automatic' for me here as it is on FB....YET...😃
AND you have to click on the 3 little dots ... next to the comments down the bottom of the post.
I don't see tree dots...
Along the same line as the vote/tip/comments icons at the very end...
Found it in PeakD :p i read this in Hive :p they don't have it.
Thanks so much!! :)
No probs.
Thank you more to the point! 😃
thanks @chocolatescorpi for the vote/nomination. there are a lot of great shots so i don't envy the judges.
Yeah you're so right. Poor judges! 😅