The Clouds That Shook The Heavens!

I Have Been Completely Out Of It!

Hectic Busy As Of Lately!

Well I finally have some time to sit down and write something up! However short or stupid it may sound to people, actually I don't care!

But I have been out of it for some time now! See with all the moving and the moving that is still to come things have been turned upside down like mad! With half my stuff at the mums house and the other half at the sisters house things have been difficult, you know finding what I need since I did pack up and move in a rush!

That should end sometime close! We've received the best news possible! We can pick up the keys to our new place on Saturday and well basically start a new!

Oh we bought not rent! That in itself is a huge milestone for us! HUGE!

So with everything going on I can't really get to my usual routine and all that!


Not Just The Move Hindering!

Well to be honest it's not just the moving that was the pain! I have been attending mechanical training classes for the last week and will do still for the better part of next week! So all in all that is filling my plate as well!

So today I got the chance to leave a little earlier than usual so I have some more time on my hands and I thought well I've got these spectacular views of the clouds! Oh trust the photos have no justice! NONE WHATSOEVER!

I legitly stopped everywhere for these photos!

Except this first batch! I had to edit them a little in order to make them look neat! I was driving in heavy traffic and just could not find the gap to slip of the road and stop for a photo! No way in hell am I going to endanger myself for a simple photo!

But we did manage to get some in while passing!

This was also the only one I didn't stop for and also the one I found the most majestic!

I hope you can find some beauty in these! I know for a fact that @tobetada will love these! (Sorry for the mention xD!)










From Class!

These were taken on different days but I thought I might make it a collage of a sort! Rather than splitting them up into a bunch of posts!

Now I took these two on the way home from class and once again I made myself pull off the road just so that I can get a nice piccy of something that might be missed! YEAHP!

Again I had to!



Also Coming From Class!

Well yeah I think most were taken from me coming from class!

Now I do love the first one the most but these last clouds are of a darker nature! One ready to throw a storm and show it's ruthlessness!

I found myself 30 minutes later still staring at the absolute majesticness of it all!

I was stunned! Stunned beyond comprehension!
Love the clouds is an understatement if you ask me!









To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Thanks a million @scrooger!

Oh nature this is lovely

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