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Collector Adventures Telegram NFT Game

in Pixel Tycoons2 years ago

Collector Adventures Telegram NFT Game

With great pleasure, PixelTycoons announces the release of this new UI and game, and this article is aimed to provide full information on it!

This Game mode mixes "Own to Play" and "Pay to Play" elements, with all the conditions set to slowly become a "Play to Earn" Game. With "Pay to Play" I mean that many game actions have a caloric cost, although there are ways to slowly develop sustainability and independence inside the game, as the player progresses.

This game runs entirely off-chain, still, every game item is backed by a NFT, which in turn allows the player to have total ownership over the items that were earned. At the first stage of the game, i will be the mediator between WAX Blockchain and Collector Adventures DataBase, meaning that inserting NFTs in game, as well as taking items out of the game as NFT, will be under my responsibility, and delivered conistently every Monday.
The current release requires Users to report their Current Collector Holdings, as well as of any tools that are intended to use in game. Snapshots are taken weekly to verify that Players still hold the assets registered for the game. If users don't hold the respective NFTs at the weekly snapshot, the game data relative to that asset will be wiped out from the user file. Assets staked at Wombat Dungeon Master are an exception to this rule.

Key Assets

Curious Collector

Player needs to own at least 1 Curious Collector or better to play the game.
This character has 3 Inventory Spaces (number of max items that he can carry.
This character can be topped up with 50 Calories Weekly to be used in game.

Daring Collector

This character has 5 Inventory Spaces (number of max items that he can carry.
This character can be topped up with 100 Calories Weekly to be used in game.

Optional Assets


  • The most cost efficient NFT that allows the collector who equips it to teleport NFTs home without the cost of having to go Home.

Belt of Fullness

  • This Equipment provides a 1/8 chance to act for free on any action that would otherwise have a cost.

Lucky Clover

  • This equipment provides a 1/6 chance to get a Double Drop on any action that has a reward.

Collector Boots

  • This equipment provides a discount of 5 Calories in Explore and Search actions.

Collector Bag

  • This equipment extends the inventory space of the collector who equips it by the vale of 2.

Copper Axe

  • This equipment allows the collector who equips it to chop wood on Woodland and Forest Biomes, avoiding being subject to the usual random drops.

Copper Pickaxe

  • This equiment allows its holder to mine Ores and stones at the Rocky Terrain, avoiding being subject to the usual random drops.

Inserting Energy into the game

Currently there are two NFT schemas that are counted as food inside this game.

  • vegkingdom houses all the vegetables and fruits and each of them has a different Calorie number.
  • pixelfriends houses the Friendship cookie which represents 50 Calories.

According to the weekly maximum that your holdings allow you to deposit in game (50 calories per curious collector per week and 100 calories per daring collector per week), select the Respective vegkindom and/or pixelfriends NFTs and send them to the wallet address: pixeltycoons
Save the transaction link and share it on our Telegram Main Chat, adding some words to the message to clarify your intention in sending those assets to PixelTycoons. If more calories were sent than the maximum allowed, the remaining calories will stay on hold and accessible by the user on the next week.
PixelTycoons counts with a "stake WAX to get NFTs weekly" program that allows players to get enough resources to farm 2 crops per week. Join our Community if you want to find out more! Using the Collector Adventures along with The farming mechanic will turn this mechanic costless on a small scale, allowing anyone to progress at their own rate.

Lets jump now into the game aspects, one by one.

Terrain Types

There are 7 different terrain types (biomes).


  • Home is Where do you start your journey. From there you will explore and find different Biomes with different drops. Home has a special nature and to receive your game Items as NFT format, you will need to take your collector Home to deliver his findings. Take note that the more you explore, the further it will take you away from home to a maximum of 4 distance units. every Home command will bring you 1 distance unit closer and once your collector finally arrives at home, all his findings will be added to a list and delivered to their respective owners in the following Monday.


  • Plains is the most common terrain to find and its drops have a well rounded utility. Food can be found at Plains


  • Woodland is the second most common terrain to find and due to its nature it allows the player to interact with it in a special way. The drops of this terrain are more diverse than from the Plains, and some of them will have high demand.


  • Forest is a bit harder to find than Woodland and due to its nature it also allows the player to interact with it in a special way. The drops on this terrain are even more diverse than from the Woodland, making Forest a valuable terrain to search on.


  • Rocky is the third most common terrain to find and due to its nature, it allows the player to interact with it in a special way. The drops on this terrain are not the most required, although some items have a demand in the current meta. More utility will be added in time.


  • Muddy terrain is the hardest terrain to find, and the only thing that can be found there currently is Red Clay. Clay will play a huge role in the development of the collector in the near future.


  • Lake terrain is one of the hardest to find and the only thing that can be found on it is Water. In a future update, the range of actions performable at the lake, will increase.

Basic Gathering Actions


  • Spend a max of 50 energy to find a new terrain and 1 Item from it. Each explore will place your collector further away from home up to a maximum of 4


  • Spend a max of 50 energy to search your collectors current location and get 2 items from that biome. Searching brings a more diverse outcome than explore.


  • Spend a max of 50 energy and reduce distance from home by 1. when distance from home is 0 your collector has arrived and he will deliver the content of is bag to your wallet. NFTs are sent every Monday.


  • Allows your collector to eat any food he finds in game and act more evry week.

Special Actions


  • Requires your collector to have an axe equipped and to be located at Woodland or Forest, while spending up to a maximum of 50 energy to get 2 Wood.


  • Requires your collector to have a pickaxe equipped and to be located at Rocky Terrain, while spending up to a maximum of 50 energy to get 2 random ores or stones ( Zinc, Copper, Tin, Granite)


  • Requires your collector to a Teleportal equipped. This command is represents the same action of going home, but without actually moving or spending energy.

The Stash

The Stash is a new feature that brings a new layer of options. The stash allows you to:

Store items inside it

Craft more advanced items.

Buy and/or sell items with in game market.

To start seizing the benefits of the Stash, you first have to set your stash location. Any of the biomes mentioned above can be chosen as thw stash location, except Home. Please choose well as you won't be able to change your Stash Location later.
After choosing your Stash Location, you will need to start building it. To contribute to the Stash Development, your collector either needs to be on the same terrains as the Stash, or hold a Teleportal. Once enough ingredients are sent for the level up, your Stash will become lvl 1 and therefore, usable.
At lvl 1 it allows you all the benefits mentioned above, but you can upgrade it further for increased Stash Space.

Once your stash is built, any collector can deposit items on it, for the purpose of crafting or interacting with the market. They can do so from any location if they have a teleportal, or if they are in the same terrain as the stash in case they dont have teleportal.
To take items from the stash into collectors inventory, he has to be in the same terrain as the Stash.

User will earn Coins at certain milestones, simply by playing the game. Those Coins can be used to interact with the market. Any user can buy from the market, but to sell, they are required to hold 1 Collectors License NTT.

Walkthrough Video

Watch this video to have a quick walkthrough around most of the commands.