Reinvestment Strategy - TERRACORE Game

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Hello all friends

Welcome to my another video on play2earn game on Hive Blockchain.

Hope all of you are good.

Few days back I published a post on new front end for TERRACORE game. Most of the time I am using the Teeracorehub interface only to play the game. The terracorehub is assesable form Keychain browser also which insure that I will claim the SCRAP token on time means before other player looted form my stash.
In any plau2earn game to progess further and to earn more the basic step is to increase the player stats and that required investment. Similar manner to progress in Terracore the payers have to increase the game stats and for same the players need to burn SCRAP token. The investment does not means players has to invest out form the game. The earnings form the game may also be reinvested to progress. I am using the similar strategy.
I am holding more then 600 SCRAPS in my wallet which I am using to upgrade the stats. Today I increase my Engineering level one up and now the mining rates are slightly more then 2 SCRAPS per hours. To safe guar the SCRAP in stats it is very essential to upgrade the Defense stats also.

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The upgrade increase your mining rate by aproximately 1/4 and as I can calculate you can mine 48 token per day which is good earning. Hope less looters will attack on you.

Yes... 58 from mining and some more from attacking other players so it is around 50 to 60 SCRAP token per day. In term of USD the price is not much but it's OK.

how much did you make from this o.o

At current level in a day aprox 50 to 60 $SCRAP token. The price is not much but who knows the future fluctuations.

how much is that in USD o.o. seems like a lot

Not much actually
.0003 per scrap at present.

Can you please help me for verification process of Hive Learner community.

o.o I'm not mod for HIve learners. You need to submit and follow the verification process. Have you done that? Join their discord and follow the directions for the verificaiton

In verification they have asked for the name of the users invite you. So may I use your user name?

Ya sure feel free to use my name if you need to

@dlmmqb . Can help get this sorted? :3

You have progressed well in the game. The defense stately looks good as it will safeguard your earning form other players. Best of luck for the game.

Their is no meaning of earning for others in game... I talking about the attack mechanism in game. So defensive strategy is to safeguard my mining earning in stash.
Thanks for stopping by.

You are doing great with terracore game. Unfortunately, I am not able to join this game due to time issues but yes I am in golem overlord which is similar to this. keep on.

Golam overload is similar to Terracore but to be honest I like Terracore more because of some simple mechanics as compare to the overload.
Thansk for stopping by.