A Newbie Member in Blockchain Gaming Community

Hello Gamers! Here, we meet in our beloved community "Blockchain Gaming". On this sunny day I ask how are you all? I hope you are always in good condition and healthy, so that we can play games together.

On this bright day, we all gather in the Blockchain Gaming community. First of all, let me introduce myself, a writer named HolyKikyo, I am a new member of the Blockchain Game Community, and this is my first writing.

Because of my interest in the blockchain world, especially in games, and I find this community suitable for my hobby, then allow me to join this community. With this I hope to be accepted in our beloved community.

I also want to tell you about the blockchain games that I have been playing recently. Without further ado, here are the blockchain games that I am actively playing.

  1. Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained is a free-to-play tactical card game that gives players true ownership of their in-game items by using NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain and Immutable X.

  1. Sunflower Land

Sunflower Land is a Play-and-Own crypto game where everything you collect is identifiable on the Polygon Blockchain. You can farm, chop, mine, craft and more as you build your farming empire. The team is passionate about building a MetaVerse that is shaped and designed by the community.

  1. Splinterlands

Splinterlands is an online collectible card game using blockchain technology with cards that are owned as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Splinterlands is a “play-to-win” crypto game. Players can win real money in the game through tournaments, ranked play, and quests.

Those are the three blockchain games that I am actively playing at the moment.

In the future, I will write a lot about several blockchain games related to the three games above or related to other blockchain games. In addition to writing, I also want to see your writings that I will use to increase my insight into the world of blockchain games.

Thank you for your attention, don't forget to comment in the column below. For your attention, I say thank you and see you later.