jazz05 cross-posted this post in Blockchain Gaming 3 years ago

Splinterlands Monster Mania Week 1 - CORNEALUS

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

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Starting this week, I'll be doing a series of posts highlighting some of my favorite monsters in @Splinterlands along with a breakdown of their attack, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and one of my finest battles along with that monster.

I'll be kicking off this week with arguably one of the mightiest monsters in Splinterlands - The great Cornealus.


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This scary one-eyed monster whom I often call a 'sneak killer' is a legendary monster & part of the Untamed edition.

  • Mana Cost: 10
  • Attack Type: Ranged attack
  • Speed: 3
  • Health: 12
  • Element: Neutral
  • Ability: Heal


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  • Heal Ability: Cornealus is close to immortal, thanks to one of the most powerful abilities in the game
  • 12 Health Points: A solid 12 health makes it even more exhausting to kill him as he heals himself a little after every round
  • Neutral Monster: You are assured to make the most out of his abilities, thanks to its neutral nature, which means you can take him in any battle alongside any splinter (rules being the exception)


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  • Ranged Attack: Being a ranged attacker brings along some drawbacks, the most common being the inability to attack from the first spot (rules being the exception)
  • Low Attack Damage: Most of the legendary monsters with a mana cost of 10 or more have at least 3 attack damage, while we have to settle with Cornealus for just 2, which can sometimes slow things down in the battle.
  • High Mana Cost: A mana cost of 10 can be a problem in low mana-cap battles, forcing you to leave a lot of other well-suited cards out of the battle in exchange for Cornealus.


Here's the full battle.

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Even at a 38 mana-cap battle, I was only able to bring in 4 monsters, all thanks to my heavy picks including two legendaries. The enemy's deck on the other hand looked very balanced - a credible combination of both attack and defense.


After a long battle, I finally won, with Cornealus stealing all the limelight away! I would have been long defeated if it weren't for him, considering the enemy had Sand Worm, one of the deadliest monsters with the sneak ability with an unreal 5 melee attack damage. This is exactly why I call him the 'Sneak Killer'. Our guy literally stood up to Sand Worm and took on those heavy attacks till the end of the battle, undefeated!


If you're willing to spend over $100 in-game, I think Cornealus is a must-have. You can either keep renting one at every season end for somewhere between 80-100 DEC to step up on the league ladder or simply own one and use it whenever and however you want. (I chose the latter)
I'd suggest keeping an eye on him on @peakmonsters. He'd be a steal at anything under $150. It is currently selling at $180 with the lowest PeakMonsters bid of $175.

My purchase price: I bought it for $140, luckily about 17% below my original bid.


Which of these three amazing monsters do you want to see in this series next? Let me know in the comments down below!

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Here's your chance to get this one-eyed monster in your team for the entire next season!

Here's how to enter:

  • Rented one before? Share your experience with it
  • Haven't played with it before? Drop in the comments why you'd like to try it

Love this format? Let me know by typing 'Yes' in the comments.

Until the next one brawlers, KEEP BRAWLING!!