Bueno el dia de hoy les vengo a hablar un poco de como fui progresando estos dias que estuve inactivo en rising star.
Estos dias estuve ahorrando mis Starbits para hacer un retiro de 10 USD aprox. Estuve haciendo la mision Record A Demo como ya les habia contado, ya voy aprox 35.000 Starbits en estos pocos dias que ahorre. Despues planeo invertir en fans y suerte para poder generar mas skill en las lecciones de musica, y los fans para poder desbloquear lass siguientes misiones que me dan todavia mas starbits.
Dia | Fans | Skill | Luck | 1M |
Dia 61 | 969 | 2463 | 69 | 17 |
- Nivel del dia de hoy: 44
- Misiones totales completas: 662
- Experiencia acumulada para el proximo nivel: 1890
Gracias por leer este breve post.
Well today I'm here to talk a little about how I've been progressing these days that I was inactive in rising star.
These days I was saving my Starbits to make a withdrawal of 10 USD approx. I was doing the Record A Demo mission as I had already told you, I'm already about 35,000 Starbits in these few days that I saved. Then I plan to invest in fans and luck to be able to generate more skills in music lessons, and fans to be able to unlock the following missions that give me even more starbits.
Day | Fans | Skill | Luck | 1M |
Day 61 | 969 | 2463 | 69 | 17 |
- Today's level: 44
- Total missions completed: 662
- Accumulated experience for the next level: 1890
Thank you for reading this short post.