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RE: Splinterlands Giveaway #37

I love the way that you are doing it, the prompt is a good way to make sure people are reading! :)
As far as the packs, I think it is a great addition and gives a larger incentive to get up to that point, aka Silver 3, just to have a chance. Also since the packs did not sell as fast as they thought they would, it is a way to go those out and about as well. I think this will help get more people growing their collection.
ign: kqaos
Pelacor Bandit or Venari Wavesmith


Oh for sure. I'm generally not a huge fan of spam posts and as much I don't like to admit it, giveaways are absolutely spam. Thats not to say that there isn't a demand for this type of content but it doesn't really add much engagement to the platform.

I also agree with you. I think they were hoping more packs would sell and are now realizing that they won't in time for riftwatchers. This is now a method to ensure card scarcity via packs going out faster than they otherwise would.