Butch and his struggle to change and not stumble over the same stone.

in Blockchain Gaming3 months ago


Ever since Butch could remember, food had been his faithful companion. He was not a child who needed expensive toys or great adventures to be happy. Nor did he need to be surrounded by other children to have someone to play with. Because just having a plate of food was more than enough for him. After each meal he felt full, not so much in the literal sense, but rather in the emotional sense. But he was not the only one, in his house most of his relatives were the same as him. His father loved roast turkey, and his mother loved tender rabbit meat. And his little sister was not far behind, because she loved ice cream, at any time. So to speak, in this family the center of union for everyone was when it was time for dinner.

In this situation Butch spent his entire childhood, thanks to the food and attention of his family he was very happy since he was little, in fact he never complained about anything. In addition, his parents taught him good values ​​and he was very polite, so everything seemed to be perfect in the future. But as always, things do not happen as expected, especially if we are the ones who put the stone in front of our shoe to trip over it.


It all started to go uphill when he finally reached adolescence. At that point he was still very happy and he didn't seem to realize that his relationship with food had taken a toll on him. Since childhood he had gained a considerable amount of weight, so now it was difficult to go unnoticed. Usually at this stage of life young people want to play some sport or are more interested in their physique. And Butch's case was no different. He loved baseball, in fact he had more knowledge of the game theory than many of his classmates who were players on the school team. With that knowledge he would have been a very good member of the team, but as you can imagine his limit was not in his mind, but in his physique. He couldn't run fast enough after hitting or catching the ball on the field.

Added to that, many of his classmates who were insensitive began to criticize him for his weight. So at this stage of his life he was forced to recognize that he had not been eating well. And because of this he had these problems now. When he came home one of those days, he told his father what was happening. And his answer surprised him because he didn't know. His father told him that he had gone through exactly the same thing as a child, but instead of having difficulties in school, he had them later finding a job. Because he didn't fit the image that some companies were looking for, he felt limited. Therefore, he had to make drastic changes. Then he recommended the same thing that helped him. He said, "Look, Butch, when I found myself in a similar situation, what I did was recognize my problem, like you are doing now, then you have to work on correcting it." "What you have to do is put a limit on the amount of food, you have to choose only the healthiest, even if it is in the first stages of the process, later there will be time for a treat."

"After that, Butch, you have to go to the gym and start doing the exercises. Those will help you to be healthy and at the same time they will help you to have the physique that you want." Also, don't give up on everything. You don't even have half the weight I reached, so it will be easier for you." Butch's father also apologized for not having warned him about these consequences before. He told him that in compensation, he would have his and his family's support to achieve his goal. After listening to the whole conversation, Butch felt relieved because he saw that his father had also gone through the same thing.


A few days later, he and the whole family sat down together to plan the strategy and help him in his goal. First they decided that from that moment on, no more junk food would be bought in the house. Only healthy food from now on, so they would be eating healthier. Although of course, one or another whim was not ruled out. In addition to that, they would all go to the gym together to exercise. Because over the years, even they had accumulated a lot of weight. And that was even though the father had already gone through that, but it seemed that they had all let themselves be carried away by their love for food and it was affecting them, with greater incidence on Butch who was the teenager.

That same day they called a gym in the city to start going in a few days. In the days they went to the gym, the changes in the family were noticeable. Because now everything felt more positive in the sense that they saw that they were working together for a common good and also each one recognized part of their guilt and their mistakes. They were all ready for change.

The first week at the gym was a shock for everyone, especially Butch, who could barely complete the basic exercises. And Butch felt that all eyes were on him. But his father encouraged him to continue, and reminded him that he had already reached his goal, and although it was true that he had strayed a little from the path, they were now working together to reach it once and for all and to maintain it. Of course all these experiences helped him a lot.


And so the weeks turned into months. Some months went by with ups and downs. There were days when he felt like he was conquering the world, and others when the craving for chocolate cake seemed insurmountable. There were even relapses on Butch's part because he still missed the food he loved so much. But again his father kept him focused. He reminded him, "Remember you wanted to be a baseball player? You still want to be one, right? Well, this is why we are working together, so that you can fulfill your dreams and not go through the things I went through." Thanks to that, he never stopped moving forward. He began to cling to small victories, for example, running up the stairs without getting out of breath, feeling how his clothes began to fit him differently, and even noticing that he could now run twice as fast, one of the most necessary characteristics in baseball. So he saw that he was on the right path.

As his body changed, so did his mind. Well, what started as a desire to improve physically together had now become a life project and even a place of reflection. Because both Butch and his family were an example that when you set your mind to it, you can change things. They were also an example that once you stumble, you should be careful not to stumble on the same stone as happened in the past with his father.


About 2 years after starting that seemingly impossible race, he achieved the physique he wanted so much. It was true that it had been a difficult road for everyone. It had been 2 years of sacrifice, as they stopped spending time on other activities to go exercise, they also stopped eating the things they used to like in favor of healthier things. And of course they had to fight with the comments and stares of others. But despite all odds, there they were completing their goal together. Now, finally, Butch could join the baseball team, and not just as a player, he would strive to be the team captain.

At the same time that he was changing his life, he also felt the desire to change the lives of others. That is why he decided to write a book with his father in which they would make their example clear. Emphasizing not to fall into the same mistakes again once you achieve success.
