For streamers and vloggers, seize the opportunity to showcase your talent in unveiling this game and earning extra income. It all depends on how you present it to the world.
The SSS, or Streamer Supporting System, establishes a virtuous cycle ecosystem. A portion of the game's performance is managed as a fund, fostering a positive synergistic effect among streamers, users, and all areas of the game.

SSS is open to any game enthusiast! However, it's important to note that participation is restricted in certain countries. Streamers from Korea and China are ineligible to apply or stream as SSS Streamers and won't receive payouts within the SSS Streamer program.
SSS向所有游戏爱好者开放!然而,值得注意的是,某些国家的参与受到限制。来自韩国和中国的主播没有资格申请或以 SSS 主播身份进行直播,也不会在 SSS 主播计划中获得付款。

Streamers are solely responsible for verifying the legality of the SSS Streamer program in their respective countries. If a Streamer fails to accurately declare their nation of residence, they must assume full responsibility for any consequences.
主播全权负责验证 SSS Streamer 计划在各自国家的合法性。如果主播未能准确申报其居住国,则必须对由此产生的后果承担全部责任。
Submitting an application with incorrect information or failing to meet the requirements may lead to rejection. To receive the results of your Streamer application, please double-check for typos and ensure that the email used matches the one you used to send the message.
提交信息不正确或不符合要求的申请可能会导致拒绝。要接收 Streamer 申请的结果,请仔细检查是否有拼写错误,并确保所使用的电子邮件与您用于发送消息的电子邮件相符。
In case of rejection, you will receive an email explaining the reasons. You can reapply through the Streamer application procedure, and your application will undergo a reevaluation.
如果被拒绝,您将收到一封电子邮件,解释原因。您可以通过 Streamer 申请程序重新申请,您的申请将接受重新评估。

Here's the link for those eager to join SSS.
这是为那些渴望加入 SSS 的人提供的链接。

I emphasize, and exercise caution during the sign-up process, ensuring that all information, particularly your email, is accurately and correctly provided.
For those interested in purchasing early NFTs, please note that some have already sold out, while others are still available in the market. Anticipate widespread love for this game, primarily due to its high-definition 360 rotation, akin to the successful launch of MIR4.
对于那些有兴趣购买早期 NFT 的人,请注意,有些已经售空,而另一些仍然在市场上有售。预计这款游戏会受到广泛喜爱,主要是因为它的高清 360 度旋转,类似于 MIR4 的成功推出。

With only 2 weeks remaining, all NFTs of Night Crows, including Legendary, Epic, and Rare, have been sold out. This rapid sell-out underscores the game's exceptional quality. Noteworthy clans like (HOF) Hall of Fame and (DTM) Don't Touch Me have already established their presence. Unlike them, I belong to my independent group—we may not be a corporation, but we hold our own in the gaming realm.
距离《Night Crows》仅剩两周时间,包括传奇级、史诗级、稀有级在内的所有 NFT 均已售空。这种快速售空凸显了游戏的卓越品质。诸如 (HOF) Hall of Fame 和 (DTM) Don’t Touch Me 等值得注意的战队已经建立了自己的影响力。与他们不同,我属于我的独立团体——我们可能不是一家公司,但我们在游戏领域拥有自己的地位。